Autour d’une séquence et des notes du Cahier 46: enjeu du codage dans les brouillons de Proust

Around a sequence and some notes of Notebook 46: encoding issues about Proust's drafts

Elena Pierazzo (King’s College, London) et Julie André (ITEM, Sciences Po Paris)

With the support of Raffaele Viglianti

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The rationale

This prototype was created for a paper given by Elena Pierazzo and Julie André during the conference: Proust, l’œuvre des manuscrits which was held in Paris, 1-2 March, 2012. The conference was organized by the "Equipe PROUST" of ITEM-CNRS (Institut des Textes et Manuscrits modernes), with funding by the ANR Program CAHIERS-PROUST (Nathalie Mauriac Dyer, ITEM, dir.)

The main technical development has been done by Elena Pierazzo. The animation and interactivity are mainly the contribution of Raffaele Viglianti and Peter Stokes.

The prototype represents a "proof of concept" and is not meant to be an edition of the pages in question.

Click on the image to see zones appearing according to the order in which they were written. Click on "Reading Sequence" to see zones appearing in the order in which they should be read. Different shades of yellow denote different levels of the editors' certainty in the way the sequences have been ordered, i.e. the stronger the yellow, the greater the uncertainty.

Browsers issues

The main technology used to display the prototype is SVG, the browser support of which is very varied. It works fine with Chorme and Safari, but could be challanging with early versions of Firefox. If you use Intenet Explorer below 9 you will not be able to see anything: sorry, but you should complain with Microsoft, not with us.

Copyright and Download

The copyright of the images belong to the Biblioteque Nationale de France (BNF): you should only download them from the BNF website.

The XML and XSLT are availble for download under a Creative Common licence:

Creative Commons License
Around a sequence and some notes of Notebook 46: encoding issues about Proust's drafts by Elena Pierazzo, Julie André is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at


The prototype comes as it is and we are not planning to develop it any further, but we plan to keep working on it on a wider scale.

You can download the XML source file from here. This text is encoded using a TEI schema. You can download the ODD file from here.
Powered by TEI

You can also download the XSLT that generates the output from here.