Peter Stokes is directeur d'études en humanités numériques et computationnelles appliquées à l’étude de l’écrit ancien (approximately 'research professor in digital and computational humanities applied to historical writing') and Chargé de mission for Digital Humanities at the École Pratique des Hautes Études – Université PSL in Paris, Section des Sciences Historiques et Philologiques, Laboratoire Archéologie et Philologie d’Orient et d’Occident (AOROC, UMR 8546). Combining the fields of palaeography, digital humanities and computer science, his current primary research focus is on theoretical and practical questions around the description and analysis of handwriting, and multigraphism (the simultaneous use of different scripts or writing-systems in a given culture), and transversal palaeography.
After two Honours degrees at the University of Melbourne (Australia), one degree in Classics and English Literature and the other in Computer Engineering, Peter Stokes completed a PhD at the University of Cambridge on English palaeography of the early eleventh century. He held a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship in Palaeography at the Department of Anglo-Saxon Norse and Celtic in Cambridge, where he developed new methods of quantitative and computer-based palaeography, and worked at the Centre for Computing in Humanities (now Department of Digital Humanities) at King's College London on the LangScape, Anglo-Saxon Cluster and Electronic Sawyer projects before being awarded a major research grant from the European Research Council for his DigiPal: Digital Resource and Database for Palaeography, Manuscript Studies and Diplomatic. This project, completed in September 2014, lead to two further major grants from the AHRC for collaborative projects in which he was Co-Investigator: Exon: The Domesday Survey of South-West England (with the University of Oxford), and Models of Authority: Scottish Charters and the Emergence of Government, 1100–1250 (with the Universities of Glasgow and Cambridge).
In 2018 he moved to Paris to take up his current professorship at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE), where his projects included Work Package leader for the Horizon 2020 project RESILIENCE (accepted to the ESFRI Roadmap), and he is currently co-director of eScriptorium for the automatic and manual transcription of handwritten documents, and Coordinator of Cluster 4 for the French national project Biblissima+.
Major publications include English Vernacular Minuscule from Æthelred to Cnut, circa 990 – circa 1035 (Cambridge, 2014) as well as DigiPal, Exon and MoA, and he has also published on name-studies, lexicography, Anglo-Saxon charters, image-processing, and digital humanities, as well as palaeography. He lectures on the PSL Masters in Digital Humanities as well as giving a Conférence (post-graduate research seminar) at the EPHE, and has lectured in palaeography and codicology, digital publishing, medieval history, medieval Latin and Digital Humanities at King's College London, the Universities of Cambridge and of Leicester, the School of Advanced Studies in the University of London, and the University of Tours. Other professional positions include:
- Elected to the Comité of Humanistica, the Francophone Association of Digital Humanities (2021–2024).
- Elected to the Bureau of the Comité International de Paléographie Latine (2020–2025).
- Invited Researcher or Professor at the Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes (Paris, 2015), Università degli Studi (Florence, 2019), and Università 'La Sapienza' (Rome, 2024).
Present Appointment
Peter Stokes is Directeur d'études en humanités numériques et computationnelles appliquées à l’étude de l’écrit ancien (approximately 'research professor in digital and computational humanities applied to historical writing') at the École Pratique des Hautes Études – PSL, Section des Sciences Historiques et Philologiques at the Sorbonne, in Laboratoire Archéologie et Philologie d'Orient et d'Occident (AOrOc, UMR 8546).
Principal activities include:
- Chargé de mission for Digital Humanities at the EPHE (2018–2023).
- Developing new visual, verbal and computational methods for the exploration and presentation of handwriting, manuscripts and documents.
- Designing and developing web resources to allow the exploration and citation of historical script in the context of the manuscripts and charters that preserve it.
- Studying the palaeography and book- and charter- production of late Anglo-Saxon England and the 'long' eleventh century.
- Teaching and supervising MA and PhD students in related fields, particularly Digital Humanities applied to historical handwriting, manuscripts and documents.
- Member of numerous project boards and committees across Europe.
Education and Training
October 2001–September 2005 (approved January 2006) PhD The University of Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, U.K.
- Dissertation: English Vernacular Script, ca 990 – ca 1035 (2 vols). <>
February 1995–June 2001 BA (Hons.), BE (Hons.) The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
- Majors in Classics and in English Literature for the BA, and Computer Engineering for the BE
- Received First Class Honours in 59 out of 61 classes (modules) taken
- Authority and Appropriation: Heresy and the Struggle for Language in Late Medieval English Literature
- Phase-Locked Loops: Design and Implementation
January 1998–December 1998 Study Abroad Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
- International Exchange Student in the College of Arts and Sciences (Classics and English)
- Overall GPA: 4.0 out of 4.0
Professional Training, Certification and Equivalences
- Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR, equivalence): Evaluated by international review panel as holding equivalent qualifications and expertise.
- Teaching qualifications (equivalence): Certified as Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy 'in recognition of attainment against the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning support in higher education'.
- Staff Development certification:
- King's College London: 'PhD Supervision for New Supervisors', 'Managing Research Relationships for Supervisors and PIs', 'Data Protection', 'Successful Performance Conversations in the Context of Performance Development Reviews', 'Subconscious Bias', and 'Introduction to TRaK' [teaching accreditation by the UK Higher Education Academy].
- Cambridge University: 'Supervisions and Small-Group Teaching', 'Voice Projection', and 'Teaching-Skills in Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic'.
- Leicester University: 'Part-Time Teacher Training'.
See also Additional Skills.
Teaching, Training and Doctoral Supervision
Unless otherwise specified, courses with English titles were taught in English, those with French titles in French, and those with Italian titles in Italian.
Current Teaching
Classroom teaching:
- Approches numériques et computationnelles à l'écrit ancien. 50-hour advanced seminar for masters, doctoral and postdoctoral students and auditors at the EPHE.
- Introduction aux humanités numériques. 20-hour course for MA, PhD and postdoctoral students and auditors at the EPHE and PSL.
- Introduction à XPath, XSLT et XQuery. 24-hour course for MA, PhD, postdoctoral students and auditors at the EPHE.
- Fouille de données; IIIF. 20 hours of teaching for MA students at the Centre d'Études Supérieures de la Renaissance, University of Tours.
Other responsibilities:
- Conseil de perfectionnement, Master Humanités Numériques, Université PSL, 2021–25.
- Supervision of student dissertations, first and second year Masters (M1 and M2), Master Humanités Numériques, PSL
- Supervision of one or more student interns per year in Digital Humanities in the eScriptorium team.
Doctoral Supervision
I am open to contacts from potential doctoral students the subjects of palaeography, manuscript studies and computational and/or digital humanities, separately or (preferably) in combination.
Current Students:
- Second Supervisor: Salomé Pichon, Modélisation numérique de données épigraphiques pour l’étude comparative des pratiques agraires au Campā et au Cambodge ancien (du IXe au Xe siècle de notre ère). First supervisor is Arlo Griffiths (EFEO), École Francaise d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO)/École Pratique des Hautes Études.
- Second Supervisor: Michele Impagnatiello, The Production and Trade of Religious Books in Bologna between 1270 and 1350.. First supervisor is Isabella Gagliardi (Università di Firenze). Student in cotutelle between EPHE and U. Modena e Regio Emilia (UniMoRe).
- Cosupervisor: Riham Mokrani, Étude numérique des écritures arabes de la période marmelouke. Cosupervised with Nuria de Castilla (EPHE). École Pratique des Hautes Études.
Completed Students:
- First Supervisor: Matilda Watson, The English Contribution to the Emergence of Manuscript Culture in Sweden and Norway. Second supervisor: Dr Lesley Abrams (History; Balliol College Oxford). Completed in 2016. King's College London. <>
- Cosupervisor: Debora Matos, Script and Decoration in Late Fifteenth-Century Portuguese Hebrew Manuscripts: A Digital Perspective. King's College London. Cosupervisor with Dr. Andrea Schatz (Dept. Theology and Religious Studies). Completed in 2019. <>
- Second Supervisor: Manuel Muñoz García, The Script of Matthew Paris and his Collaborators: A digital approach.. First supervisor is Prof. Julia Crick (Dept. of History). Part time, then full-time. Completed in 2018. King's College London. <>
- Second Supervisor: Colleen Curran, Reconsidering An Early 10th Century Date for the Entrance and Use of Caroline Minuscule in Anglo-Saxon England. First supervisor is Prof. Julia Crick (Dept. of History). King's College London. Completed in 2017. <>
Doctoral Examination
As 'Examiner' or 'Rapporteur, conducted viva voce examination and submitted written pre-report; as 'Président du jury', chaired viva voce exam and wrote final report (in collaboration with other members of Jury).
- Membre du Jury: Luigi Bambaci, The Book of Qohelet. A Digital
Scholarly Edition of the Hebrew Text, École doctorale de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études (n°
472)/Università di Bologna Campus di Ravenna, mention Histoire, Textes, Documents
(HTD) (2023).
- Also 'membro supplente' [reserve member] for juries of Sebastiano Crestani and Isabella Maurizio, co-tutelles EPHE/Bologna mention HTD.
- Rapporteur (External Examiner): Vlad Atanasiu, Human Factors as Constraints and Solutions in Document Processing, Department of Informatics, University of Fribourg (2023).
- Rapporteur (External Examiner): Mathias Seuret, Investigating Neural Networks and their Behavior on Historical Document Image Analysis, Department of Informatics, University of Fribourg (2023).
- Président du jury: Anna Scius-Bertrand, Analyse automatique sans annotation d’inscriptions sur des stèles vietnamiennes. École doctorale de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études (n° 472), spécialité Informatique, Statistiques et Cognition (2022).
- Président du jury: Benjamin Kiessling, Avancées en Reconnaissance Optique des Caractères pour les Documents Arabes Historiques. École doctorale de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études (n° 472), spécialité Informatique, mathématique et applications (2021). <>
- Internal Examiner: Sean Dunnahoe, English and German Influences in the Production of Music-Liturgical Manuscripts in Sweden up to the Thirteenth Century. Dept. of Music, Royal Holloway, University of London (2016). Full text on line.
- External Examiner: Vinodh Rajan Sampath, Quantifying Scribal Behavior: A Novel Approach to Digital Paleography. School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews (2016). Thesis available at <>.
- External Examiner: Roman Bleier, Encoding St Patrick's Epistles: History and Electronic Editing of the Manuscript Witnesses. 2 vols + CD. Digital Arts and Humanities, Trinity College Dublin (2016).
External Supervision
- Domain Advisor: Lun-Min Yuan, MSc in Data Science, King’s College London (2016/7). An analysis of data extracted from the DigiPal Database.
- Domain Advisor: Calogero Lauricella, MSc in Data Science, King’s College London (2015/6). Quantifying the Relative Quality of Ancient Sicilian Coins following Homogeneous Partitioning.
- External Advisor: Alberto Campagnolo, PhD, University of the Arts London (degree awarded 2015). Transforming XML Records to Visual Representations. Development and Application for a Digital Visualization of Historical Bookbinding Structures.
- Dissertation Correlatore: Giancarlo Buomprisco, Corso di Laurea in Informatica Umanistica, Università di Pisa (2013). Digital Lightbox: A Web-Based Visualization Framework Applied to Paleographical Research. <> (functioning website) and <> (source code).
- Dissertation Advisor: Brian Maher, MSc in Bioinformatics, King's College London
(2012). Automated Image Segmentation Methods for Digitally-Assisted Palaeography of
Medieval Manuscripts.
- Won prize for 'Best Masters Project/Dissertation' in the Department of Informatics.
Other Training, Summer Schools and International Seminars
Unless otherwise specified, courses with English titles were delivered in English, those with French titles in French, and those with Italian titles in Italian.
- Summer School in Digital Palaeography, University of Göttingen, 5 September 2024. 3-hour session as 'external guest lecturer'.
- 'Medieval Manuscripts: From Material to Digital', Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme. Online and Prague, May-September 2024. 12 hours online teaching, plus one week of teaching on site in Prague. Co-organised with Lucie Doležalová (PI, Charles University, Prague), and Dominique Stutzmann (Humboldt University, Berlin), with participation also of the École Nationale des Chartes, Paris.
- 'Défis et possibilités pour la reconnaissance automatique de l’écriture' (60-minute lecture), and with A. Pinche (ENS Lyon) and Matthias Gille-Levenson (ENS Lyon), 'Atelier reconnaissance d'écritures manuscrites - eScriptorium' (3-hour hands-on workshop). Du calame au clavier : colloque de philologie numérique University of Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, 17–19 January 2024.
- With E. Pierazzo (U. Tours): Scuola Estiva di humanistica digitale, Università degli Studi di Sassari, 4–9 June 2023. Two-day invited contribution to week-long programme.
- 'Modelling Book Structures with VisColl', Hebrew Manuscripts in the Digital Age: Palaeography, Editing, Cataloguing, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, 17 April 2023. Invited class in the context of a larger programme.
- 'Atelier d'initiation à l'usage d'eScriptorium', biblissim-ia-2023 | Intelligence artificielle et la reconnaissance de formes et d'écritures manuscrites, Paris, Campus Condorcet, 22–23 March 2022. 6 1/2 hours of training, with Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra, Benjamin Kiessling, Svetlana Yatsyk, Colin Brisson, Simon Gabay, and Pawel Jablonski.
- 'Intelligence artificielle pour les SHS : Initiation à la transcription automatique des documents', PSL Week, Université PSL, 21–25 Nov. 2022. Five-day intensive course, developed and lead by me with Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra, Benjamin Kiessling and Colin Brisson (all EPHE).
- With E. Pierazzo (U. Tours): 'Machine Learning for the Analysis and Transcription of Manuscripts', Digital Humanities and Digital Communication: New Approaches to Core Questions, Digital Humanities Summer School, University of Modena, 6–10 June 2022. 3-hour invited workshop.
- 'Describing Handwriting in a Digital World' (lecture) and 'The Archetype Framework for Describing Handwriting' (workshop), Digital Lab, University of Bergen, 17 November 2021. Invited one-day lecture and workshop.
- 'Formation eScriptorium', Casa de Velázquez, Madrid, 23–24 September 2021. Invited two-day workshop.
- 'Paleografia digitale', Università degli Studi, Udine, 16 December 2019. Invited lecture for doctoral and post-doctoral participants. Also assisted Alberto Campagnolo in practical session on 'Codicologia digitale'.
- With Anna Scius-Bertrand (EPHE): 'Exploitation de données textuelles encodées en XML-TEI avec Python', Atelier CAHIER, Poitiers, 17–21 June 2019. Invited course designer and leader.
- 'Paleographia digitale', Università degli Studi, Florence, 1 April – 10 March 2019. Various lectures and classes totalling 36 hours of teaching as part of visiting professorship.
- Co-Organiser, ManuSciences '19, Franco-German Spring School on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Manuscript Studies, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Culture, University of Hamburg, and the École Pratique des Hautes Études, 11–15 March 2019.
- 'Traitement des Images', 'Paléographie et codicologie numérique' and 'Traitement automatique d'image avec Python', École d'Été Éditions Numériques (EDEEN), Grenoble, 28 May – 1 June 2018.
- 'Codicology and TEI', ManuSciences: Franco-German Summer School on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Manuscript Studies, Freie Universität Berlin and École Pratique des Hautes Études, 10–15 September 2017.
- 'Traitement des Images' 3 hrs and 'Modelizzatione e TEI' 90 mins of supporting the course teacher, École d'Été Éditions Numériques italo-française (EDEEN), Grenoble, 26–27 June 2017.
- With E. Pierazzo, 'Digital Editing with TEI: Critical, Documentary and Genetic Editing', Digital Humanities Summer Institute, Victoria, Canada, 12–16 June 2017. 26-hour course.
- 'Journée d'Études DigiPal', École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE), Paris, 16 September 2016. Day-long training for using the DigiPal Framework.
- PhD Masterclass in Manuscript Studies, University of Bergen, 26 April 2016. 90-minute public mock viva of PhD student, followed by 90-minute lecture.
- 'Plagiarism in Code', 'Inclusive and Discriminatory Scholarship and Behaviour', and 'Conflicts of Interest', DiXiT Ethics Workshop, Grenoble, 14–15 April 2016. Three presentations/lead discussions as part of a two-day workshop for PhD students.
- With E. Pierazzo (Grenoble): 'Introduction aux humanités numériques', École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, Feb. – Apr. 2016. <> 26-hour course for students at Masters and Doctoral level.
- 'L'infrastructure DigiPal pour décrire l'écriture', invited lecture/seminar for Seminars La lettre romaine and Paléographie hébreu at École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, 9 and 14 December 2015. One-hour seminar for MA and PhD students.
- 'Paleografía digital', Segundo Congreso Internacional: El Patrimonio Cultural y Nuevas Tecnologías Second International Congress of Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, Mexico City, 12–16 October 2015. Delivered 20-hour workshop in English.
- With E. Pierazzo (Grenoble): 'An Introduction to Digital Manuscript Studies', Digital Humanities 2015 Pre-Conference Workshop, University of Western Sydney, 29–30 June 2015. Peer-reviewed workshop
- 'Palaeography and the Digital Humanities', Autumn School in Palaeography, H. Pirenne Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Ghent, 20–22 October 2014. Invited seminar leader
- Figuring the Digital Humanities Out Workshop, HUMLab, Umeå University, 5–6 December 2013. Invited seminar leader and workshop participant
- '"This is Not a Book": Using Digital Texts in a Material Context' (lecture and workshop), 'Digital Dreams and Chasing Them' (panel discussion), The Media of Literature in the Electronic Age, Geneva, 15–16 November 2013. Invited one-hour lecture, one-hour workshop and panel discussant at doctoral school programme
- 'Digital Resources: Data and Databases', ISAS Graduate Workshop, Dublin, 28–29 July 2013. Invited workshop leader
- 'Digital Imaging for Medievalists: A Workshop', International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, 10–13 May 2012. Workshop co-leader
- 'Digitising the Book' pre-conference workshop and 'Digitising the Document' panel, Australasian Association for Digital Humanities Conference, Canberra Australia, 28–30 March 2012. Invited workshop organiser and leader
- 'Document Analysis and Modeling', TEI@Oxford Summer School, 12 July 2010. Invited workshop designer and leader
Previous Teaching Positions
October 2010–February 2018 Research Fellow, then Senior Lecturer, then Reader Department of Digital Humanities (formerly Centre for Computing in Humanities), King's College London, U.K.
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy 'in recognition of attainment against the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning support in higher education' (from 2017)
- Re-designed, lead and taught on MA modules 'Methods and Techniques in Digital Humanities (core module, with Paul Spence), Semester 2 of 'Introduction to Digital Humanities' (core module on programming in Python), 'Editorial Models' (XML/XSLT), and 'Material Culture of the Book' (on digitising and representing books in digital form).
- Designed, coordinated and taught BA module 'Digitising Cultural Heritage' (from 2016/17), coordinated and taught 'Digital Texts' (2017/8).
- Designed, coordinated and co-taught MA module 'Digital Resources for Historical Studies' (2011–12).
- First supervisor of MA dissertations in Digital Humanities.
- Chargé de conférences for 'Introduction aux humanités numériques': 20 hours of teaching at the École pratique des hautes études (EPHE), Paris (2015/16 and 2017/18)
Other Teaching-Related Roles and Responsibilities
- Member, London Arts and Humanities Partnership Subject Area Group for Digital Humanities, and Panel Selection Board C (Cultures and Heritage), 2016–18.
- Member of the Faculty Postgraduate Research Students Committee (2015).
- Deputy Chair of PGT Assessment Sub-Board (= Departmental Postgraduate Taught Board of Examiners, 2012–16; Acting Chair for Semester 1, 2014/15).
- Acting Programme Coordinator for the MA in Digital Humanities (Semester 2, 2014/15).
- Acting Admissions Tutor for the MA in Digital Humanities (Semester 1, 2014/15).
- MA Dissertation Coordinator (2014/15).
- Chair of Staff Student Liaison Committee (SSLC); carried out substantial review and revision of SSLC Terms of Reference (2012/13).
- Acting Senior Tutor (Semester 1, 2012/13).
- Served on task force to design new BA programme (2012/13).
June 2008–2016 Principal Coordinator/Director, Marie Skłodowska-Curie/COST/AHRC Research Training: 'Medieval Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age' Under the direction of the Institute of English Studies, in collaboration with King's College London, the Warburg Institute, and the Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic, University of Cambridge
- Awarded grants from AHRC (2008–11), COST (2012) and Marie Skłodowska-Curie (2013) to design and run annual week-long training programme for postgraduate students (grants prepared with Prof. Warwick Gould, Prof. Michelle Brown, Prof. Charles Burnett, Dr Hanna Vorholt, Dr Arianna Ciula, Dr Wim van Mierlo, Jon Millington, Elena Pierazzo and Franz Fischer).
- Received approx. three hundred applications total for the four years to date, along with many enquiries.
- Coordinated specialist instructors from seven institutions in Cambridge and London.
- Designed and implemented course including lectures, visits to libraries, and practical computing sessions (with Dr Hanna Vorholt, Dr Arianna Ciula and Dr Elena Pierazzo).
- Wrote and delivered classes on 'Manuscript-Production', 'Provenance and Bindings', 'Palaeography', 'Digital Imaging', 'Digital Resources, Tools and Projects'.
- Assisted with computer lab exercises on XML markup, TEI for transcription and cataloguing, and digital image-enhancement.
October 2004–September 2016 Affiliated Lecturer in Palaeography and Codicology (with additional teaching in Medieval Latin) Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic, University of Cambridge, U.K.
- Wrote and delivered over 500 hours of lectures and classes on palaeography (since 2004) and medieval Latin (in 2007/8).
- Taught courses including the history of script in Britain and Ireland to A.D. 1200, the history of libraries and the survival of manuscripts in Britain and Ireland c. 1500–c. 1750, medieval codicology, and beginner's Latin.
- Prepared and delivered approx. 175 hours of one-on-one or one-on-two undergraduate supervisions in palaeography (2004–2009).
- Supervised undergraduate dissertations (2008/9).
- Set and marked examination-papers at BA and MPhil level in Latin and in Palaeography (since 2005).
July 2010–December 2010 Module Coordinator, Course Tutor, London Rare Book School and MA in the History of the Book Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Studies, University of London, U.K.
- Designed, coordinated and taught a week-long intensive course 'Digital Publishing and Book Studies' for the London Rare Book School (LRBS).
- Redesigned, coordinated and taught the same material as an MA module for the History of the Book.
- First marker for both the LRBS and MA courses.
October 2009–June 2010 Associated Lecturer in Early Medieval History School of Historical Studies, University of Leicester, U.K.
- Designed, convened and taught first-year module, 'People and Places: Medieval Worcester'.
- Designed, convened and taught second-year module, 'Early Medieval History: Books, Manuscripts and Documents'.
- Co-convenor of second-year undergraduate module, 'Race and Ethnicity': five lectures and six seminars on Viking history.
- All teaching includes writing and delivering lectures, running seminars, and setting and marking exams and essays.
All publications are single-authored unless otherwise specified.
- English Vernacular Minuscule from Æthelred to Cnut, circa 990 – circa 1035,
Publications of the Manchester Centre for Anglo-Saxon Studies 14 (Cambridge, 2014).
xii + 207 pp., incl.
indexes, glossary, 10 figs. and 20 plates. ISBN: 9781843843696
- Awareded the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists (ISAS, now ISSEME) Prize for Best Research Aid (2015).
- Selected Reviews:
- P.W. Conner, Review of English Studies 66 (2015): 766–7. doi:10.1093/res/hgv014
- F.J. Steele, The Medieval Review 15.05.04. <>
- J. Willoughby, Association for Manuscripts and Archives in Research Collections [AMARC] Newsletter 64 (2015): 24–6. <>
- E. Kwakkel, Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies 91:2 (2016): 561–2. doi:10.1086/685532
Major Digital Resources (as Project Leader, Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator)
- Co-Director: eScriptorium. École Pratique des Hautes Études (2019–). Available at <> Software for Automatic Text Recognition (OCR/HTR) optimised for historical and non-Latin scripts.
- Co-Investigator: Exon: The Domesday Survey of South-West England, ed. by P.A.
Stokes, Studies in Domesday, gen ed. J. Crick (London, 2018). Available at <>.
- Awarded the Devon and Cornwall Record Society prize: The Holdsworth Claret (awarded to Prof. Julia Crick, project Principal Investigator, 2018). <>
- Co-Investigator: Models of Authority: Scottish Charters and the Emergence of Government 1100–1250. King's College London (2015–17). Available at <>.
- Project leader: Archetype [formerly The DigiPal Framework] (open-source
software for the analysis and presentation of palaeographical material and texts).
King's College London
(2014–). Available at <>. Archival copy (Version 2.7)
available at doi:10.5281/zenodo.5586696
- Awarded the Medieval Academy of America prize for best Digital Humanities project (2016).
- Principal Investigator: Digital Resource and Database for Palaeography, Manuscripts and Diplomatic. King's College London (2011–14). Available at <>.
- Sole Analyst and Developer: HandAnalyser and ImageViewer software (first 'alpha' release 30 Sept. 2009). Available at <> Java software for quantitative palaeographical analysis and for viewing and enhancing images of damaged manuscripts, as described in contributions to Rehbein et al. and Carruthers et al. respectively.
Edited Volumes
- A. Pinche and P.A. Stokes (eds), Documents historiques et reconnaissance automatique
de texte / Historical Documents and Automatic Text Recognition. Special Issue of Journal of Digital Humanities and Data Management (2023–24). Available at <>.
- Includes A. Pinche and P.A. Stokes, Historical Documents and Automatic Text Recognition: Introduction, 11pp. doi:10.46298/jdmdh.13247
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Stokes, P.A., B. Kiessling, D. Stökl Ben Ezra, R. Tissot, and H. Gargem. The eScriptorium VRE for Manuscript Cultures, in Ancient Manuscripts and Virtual Research Environments, ed. Claire Clivaz and Garrick V. Allen. Special issue of Classics@ 18 (2021). <>
- Holistically Modelling the Medieval Book: Towards a Digital Contribution, Anglia: Zeitschrift für Englische Philologie 139 (2021): 6–31. doi:10.1515/ang-2021-0002
- On Digital and Computational Humanities for Manuscript Studies: Where Have we Been, Where are we Going?, Manuscript Cultures 15 (2020): 37–46. <>
- P.A. Stokes and Geoffroy Noël, Exon Domesday : Méthodes numériques appliquées à la codicologie pour l'étude d'un manuscrit anglo-normand. Tabularia : Sources écrites des mondes normands médiévaux [s.n.] (2019), 23pp. doi:10.4000/tabularia.4118
- Scribal Attribution Across Multiple Scripts: A Digitally-Aided Approach, Speculum 92 (2017): S65–85. doi:10.1086/693968
- Digital Approaches to Palaeography and Book History: Some Challenges, Present and Future, Frontiers in Digital Humanities 2:5 (2015). doi:10.3389/fdigh.2015.00005 'Specialty Grand Challenge' article
- T. Blanke, E. Pierazzo and P.A. Stokes, Digital Publishing: Experiences in the Digital Humanities, Logos 25 (2014): 16–27. doi:10.1163/1878-4712-11112041
- T. Hassner, M. Rehbein, P.A. Stokes and L. Wolf (eds), Computation and Palaeography:
Potentials and Limits, Dagstuhl Manifestos 2 (2013): 14–35. doi:10.4230/DagMan.2.1.14
Full-length peer-reviewed version
- Summary published in Informatik Spektrum 36:2 (2013): 196–98. doi:10.1007/s00287-013-0690-3
- Reprinted in Kodikologie und Paläographie im Digitalen Zeitalter 3 — Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age 3, ed. by O. Duntze et al. Schriften des Instituts für Dokumentologie und Editorik 10 (Norderstedt, 2015), pp. 1–27. urn:nbn:de:hbz:38-76986
- The Vision of Leofric: Manuscript Text and Context, Review of English Studies 63 (2012): 529–50. doi:10.1093/res/hgr052. Open Access copy also available
- The Problem of Grade in Post-Conquest Vernacular Minuscule, New Medieval Literatures 13 (2011): 23–47. doi:10.1484/J.NML.1.102438
- Digital Resource and Database for Palaeography, Manuscripts and Diplomatic, Gazette du livre médiéval 56–57 (2011): 141–2. doi:10.3406/galim.2011.1991
- M. Maniaci et al., Table ronde. Applications actuelles de l’informatique à la paléographie: quelles méthodes pour quelles finalité́s?, Gazette du livre médiéval 56–57 (2011): 119–30. <>
- The Digital Dictionary, Florilegium 26 (2009): 37–69. <> A study of the use of technology in the Dictionary of Old English.
- King Edgar's Charter for Pershore (AD 972), Anglo-Saxon England 37 (2008): 31–78. doi:10.1017/S0263675109990159. Open Access copy also available
- Palaeography and Image Processing: Some Solutions and Problems, Digital Medievalist 3 (2007/8). doi:10.16995/dm.15
- The Regius Psalter, 198v: A Reexamination, Notes & Queries 54 (2007): 208–11. doi:10.1093/notesj/gjm152
- Shoots and Vines: Some Models for the Ascenders and Descenders of English Vernacular Minuscule, Quaestio: Selected Proceedings of the Cambridge Colloquium in Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic 5 (2005): 98–109.
Peer-Reviewed Proceedings and Chapters in Books
- C. Trips and P.A. Stokes, From Original Sources to Linguistic Analysis: Tools and Datasets for the Investigation of Multlingualism in Medieval English, in Medieval English in a Multilingual Context: Current Methodologies and Approaches , ed. by S.M. Pons-Sanz and L. Sylvester, New Approaches to Historical Linguistics (London, 2023), pp. 49–91. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-30947-2_3
- E. Pierazzo and P.A. Stokes, Old Books, New Books and Digital Publishing. In The Bloomsbury Handbook to the Digital Humanities, ed. by J. O'Sullivan (London: Bloomsbury, 2023), pp. 233–44. doi:10.5040/
- Insular Script, in The Oxford Handbook of Latin Palaeography, ed. by R.G. Babcock and F. Coulson (Oxford, 2020): 213–33. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195336948.013.108
- Palaeography, Codicology and Stemmatology, in Handbook of Stemmatology: History, Methodology, Digital Approaches, ed. by P. Roelli. (De Gruyter, 2020), pp. 46–56. doi:10.1515/9783110684384-002
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 367, Part II: A Study in (Digital) Codicology, in Medieval Manuscripts in the Digital Age, ed. by B. Albritton, G. Henley, and E. Treharne, Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities (London, 2020), pp. 64–73. doi:10.4324/9781003003441-7
- La paléographie et la diplomatique numérique pour l’exploitation d’un corpus de chartes : l’exemple de « Models of Authority », in Actes royaux et princiers à l'ère du numérique (Moyen Âge – Temps Modernes), ed. by O. Canteaut, O. Guyotjeannin and O. Poncet (Pau, 2020), pp. 71–78. <>
- E. Pierazzo and P.A. Stokes, The New Textual Technologies, in A New Companion to the History of the Book, ed. by J. Rose and S. Elliott (Chichester, 2019), pp. 677–89. doi:10.1002/9781119018193.ch45
- B. Kiessling, R. Tissot, P.A. Stokes and D. Stökl Ben Ezra, eScriptorium: An Open Source Platform for Historical Document Analysis, in ICDAR-OST: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Open Services and Tools for Document Analysis (2019): 19–24. doi:10.1109/ICDARW.2019.10032
- Change and Variation in Eleventh-Century English Script, in Change in Medieval and Renaissance Scripts and Manuscripts, ed. by M. Schubert and E. Overgaauw, Bibliologia 50 (Turnhout, 2019), pp. 37–46.
- Rule and Variation in Eleventh-Century Minuscule Script, in Ruling the Script: Formal Aspects of Medieval Written Communication (Books, Charters, and Inscriptions), ed. by S. Barret, D. Stutzmann and G. Vogeler. Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy 35 (Turnhout, 2016), pp. 489–508. doi:10.1484/M.USML-EB.5.112447
- S. Brookes, P.A. Stokes, M. Watson, and Débora Marques de Matos, The DigiPal Project for European Scripts and Decorations, in Writing Europe 500–1450: Texts and Contexts, ed. by A. Conti, O. da Rold and P. Shaw. Essays and Studies n.s. 68 (2015): 25–58.
- Palaeography and the "Virtual Library" of Manuscripts, in Digitizing Medieval and Early Modern Material Culture, ed. by B. Nelson and M. Terras. New Technologies in Medieval and Renaissance Studies 3 (Tempe, AZ, 2012), pp. 137–69.
- Recovering Anglo-Saxon Erasures: Some Questions, Tools and Techniques, in Palimpsests and the Literary Imagination of Medieval England, ed. by L. Carruthers, R. Chai-Elsholz and T. Silec (New York, 2011), pp. 35–60.
- Rewriting the Bounds: Pershore's Powick and Leigh, in Place-Names, Language and the Anglo-Saxon Landscape, ed. by N.J. Higham and M.J. Ryan (Woodbridge, 2011), pp. 195–206.
- Teaching Manuscripts in the "Digital Age", in Kodikologie und Paläographie im Digitalen Zeitalter 2 — Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age 2, ed. by F. Fischer, C. Fritze and G. Vogeler, in collaboration with B. Assmann, M. Rehbein and P. Sahle. Schriften des Instituts für Dokumentologie und Editorik 3 (Norderstedt, 2010), pp. 229–45. urn:nbn:de:hbz:38-43521
- E. Pierazzo and P.A. Stokes, Putting the Text back into Context: A Codicological Approach to Manuscript Transcription, in Kodikologie und Paläographie im Digitalen Zeitalter 2 — Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age 2, ed. by F. Fischer, C. Fritze and G. Vogeler, in collaboration with B. Assmann, M. Rehbein and P. Sahle. Schriften des Instituts für Dokumentologie und Editorik 3 (Norderstedt, 2010), pp. 397–430. urn:nbn:de:hbz:38-43605
- Computer-Aided Palaeography, Present and Future, in Kodikologie und Paläographie im Digitalen Zeitalter — Codicology and Palaeography
in the Digital
Age, ed. by M. Rehbein, P. Sahle and T. Schaan, unter Mitarbeit von Bernhard Assmann,
Fischer and Christiane Fritze. Schriften des Instituts für Dokumentologie und
Editorik 2 (Norderstedt, 2009), pp. 313–42. urn:nbn:de:hbz:38-29782.
Full-length peer-reviewed version
- Peer-reviewed summary published as Digital Humanities 2009: Conference Abstracts (College Park, MD, 2009), pp. 266–8. <>
- P.A. Stokes and E. Pierazzo, Encoding the Language of Landscape: XML and Databases at the Service of Anglo-Saxon Lexicography, in Perspectives on Lexicography in Italy and Europe, ed. by S. Bruti, R. Cella, and M. Foschi Albert (Newcastle, 2009), pp. 203–38.
Working Papers, Reports and Peer-Reviewed Abstracts
- Describing Handwriting in Context, and (with D. Stökl Ben Ezra) Hands-on Introduction to eScriptorium, an Open-Source Platform for HTR, Digital Humanities 2022 Conference Abstracts (Tokyo, 2022): 376–78 and 58–61 respectively. <>
- Six articles in the Annuaire de l'École pratique des hautes études:
Section des sciences historiques et philologiques:
- Humanités numériques et computationnelles appliquées à l’étude de l’écrit ancien, 155 (2024): 522–28 doi:10.4000/11twe, 154 (2023): 517–24 doi:10.4000/ashp.6630, 153 (2022): 529–31 doi:10.4000/ashp.5750, 152 (2021): 506–8 doi:10.4000/ashp.4918, and 151 (2020): 437–39 doi:10.4000/ashp.3997.
- Introduction aux humanités numériques, 150 (2019): 495–6. doi:10.4000/ashp.3276
- eScriptorium : un outil pour la transcription automatique des documents. ÉpheNum : Veille, agenda et actualités des humanités numériques à l’EPHE (Marseille, 2020). <>. English version available as RESILIENCE Tool: eScriptorium, RESILIENCE Project Blog (2020). <>
- P.A. Stokes, D. Stökl Ben Ezra, B. Kiessling and R. Tissot, eScripta: A New Digital Platform for the Study of Historical Texts and Writing, in Digital Humanities 2019 Book of Abstracts (Utrecht, 2019). <>
- P.A. Stokes, D. Marques de Matos and N. Jakeman, Analysing Visual Communication in Theory and Practice with Archetype, in Digital Humanities 2019 Book of Abstracts (Utrecht, 2019). <>
- 'Modelling Multigraphism: The Digital Representation of Multiple Scripts and Alphabets', in Digital Humanities 2018 Book of Abstracts, ed. by J. Girón Palau and I. Galina Russell (Mexico City, 2018), pp. 292–96. PDF: <> XML/HTML: <>
- P.A. Stokes, S. Brookes, G. Noël, J.R. Davies, T. Webber, D. Broun, A. Taylor, and J. Tucker The Models of Authority Project: Extending the DigiPal Framework for Script and Decoration, in Digital Humanities 2016: Conference Abstracts, ed. by Maciej Eder and Jan Rybicki (Krakow, 2016), pp. 896-99. <>
- The Problem of Digital Dating: A Model for Uncertainty in Medieval Documents, in Digital Humanities 2015 Book of Abstracts (Sydney, 2015). <>. Author's typescript also available.
- Describing Handwriting – Again, in Digital Palaeography: New Machines and Old Texts, ed. by T. Hassner, R. Sablatnig, D. Stutzmann and S. Tarte. Dagstuhl Reports 4:7 (2014): 127–8. doi:10.4230/DagRep.4.7.112
- P.A. Stokes, S. Brookes, G. Noël, G. Buomprisco, D. Marques de Matos and M. Watson, The DigiPal Framework for Script and Image, Digital Humanities 2014 Book of Abstracts (Lausanne, 2014), pp. 512–14. <>. Poster available at <>.
- B. Maher, K. Steinhofel and Peter Stokes, Automated Image Segmentation Methods for Digitally-Assisted Palaeography of Medieval Manuscripts. Technical Report TR-13-02, Dept. of Informatics and Dept. of Digital Humanities, King's College London (London, 2013). <>
- N. Levy, L. Wolf and P.A. Stokes, Document Classification Based on What is There and What Should Be There, in Digital Humanities 2013: Conference Abstracts (Lincoln, NE, 2013), pp. 279–82. <>
- T. Hassner, M. Rehbein, P.A. Stokes and L. Wolf (eds), Computation and Palaeography:
Potentials and Limits (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 12382), Dagstuhl
Reports 2 (2012): 184–199. doi:10.4230/DagRep.2.9.184
- Includes P.A. Stokes, Bringing the Digital to Palaeography: Some Background and Challenges, pp. 156–7.
- Modeling Medieval Handwriting: A New Approach to Digital Palaeography, in DH2012 Book of Abstracts, ed. by Jan Christoph Meister et al. (Hamburg, 2012), pp. 382–5. <>
- N. Levy, L. Wolf, N. Dershowitz and P.A. Stokes, 'Estimating the Distinctiveness of Graphemes and Allographs in Palaeographic Classification', in DH2012 Book of Abstracts, ed. by Jan Christoph Meister et al. (Hamburg, 2012), pp. 264–7. <>
- P.A. Stokes and Geoffroy Noël, Anglo-Saxon Cluster Project Report (London, 2010). <> On integrating digital resources via web services for medieval studies.
Other Digital Resources and Data-Sets
- CCCC-367 Collation Visualisation: Cambridge, Corpus Christi College MS 367, Initial Release, v1.0.0 (2018). doi:10.5281/zenodo.1411390
- MS-Images, v.1.0 (2019). doi:10.5281/zenodo.3240510 Training notes for image manipulation using Python
- Sole Analyst and Developer: The Electronic Sawyer (2010/11 release). <>, King's College London (2011).
- Lead Analyst; Developer: Anglo-Saxon Cluster. <>, King's College London (2010).
- Research Associate; Database-related development: LangScape: The Language of Landscape: Reading the Anglo-Saxon Countryside. <>, version 0.9 (2008).
Encyclopedia Entries, Booklets, and Book Reviews
- Computational Palaeography and Codicology, Routledge Medieval Encyclopedia Online, ed. by S.K. Niskanen et al. (Abingdon, 2023). doi:10.4324/9780415791182-RMEO384-1
- Three articles in the Handbook of Medieval Studies: Terms, Methods, Trends,
ed. by A. Classen, 3 vols (Berlin, 2010).
- N.R. Ker, 3:2398–401. doi:10.1515/9783110215588.2398
- E.A. Lowe, 3:2484–87. doi:10.1515/9783110215588.2484
- Scripts, 2:1217–33. doi:10.1515/9783110215588.1217
- Ten articles in The Literary Encyclopedia, ed. by R. Clark et al.:
- The Vercelli Book (2009): <>
- The Beowulf Manuscript (2008): <>
- Junius 11 (2008): <>
- Codicology (2006): <>
- Cynewulf (2006): <>
- Sir Robert Cotton (2006): <>
- John Joscelyn (2006): <>
- Lawrence Nowell (2006): <>
- Matthew Parker (2006): <>
- Humfrey Wanley (2006): <>
- D.N. Dumville and P.A. Stokes, Liber Vitae Dunelmensis (Trial Version, 2 parts, Cambridge, ASNC 2001)
- Review of A.R. Rumble, ed., Writing and Texts in Anglo-Saxon England (Woodbridge, 2006), for English Historical Review 124 (2009): 113–14. doi:10.1093/ehr/cen421
- Review of D.P. O'Donnell, Cædmon's Hymn: A Multimedia Study, Edition and Archive (Woodbridge, 2005), for Digital Medievalist 5 (2009). doi:10.16995/dm.21
Academic Blogs
Blogs are multi-authored but lead or co-lead by me.
- The eScripta Project Blog (Marseille, 2018–). <>
- ÉpheNum : Vielle, agenda et actualités des humanités numériques à l'EPHE (Marseille, 2015–). <> Lead by me since 2019.
- The Exon Domesday Project Blog (London, 2015–18). <>
- The Models of Authority Project Blog (London, 2015–2017). <>
- The DigiPal Project Blog (London, 2010–19). <>
- Includes P.A. Stokes, Describing Handwriting [10 Parts] (London, 2011–15). <>
Forthcoming (full text submitted and accepted for publication)
- Aligning Archetype: Towards a Formal Model for a Transversal Palaeography, Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin. 7,000 words.
- With Benjamin Kiessling, Sharing Data for Handwritten Text Recognition, in Routledge Companion to Digital Humanities in Practice, ed. by R. Lane et al. 6,000 words
- P.A. Stokes, D. Stôkl Ben Ezra, A. Chagué, C. Brisson, M. Bui and F. Constant, eScriptorium et l'AI pour la transcription automatiqueCulture et Recherche 2024 1500 words
Under Review (full text submitted and awaiting response)
- L. Romary and P.A. Stokes, Infrastructures. In Apprendre à Lire aux Machines, ed. by T. Clérice, A. Chagué and A. Pinche. French and English versions, each approx. 4,000 words.
- P.A. Stokes and G. Noël, Modelling Manuscripts in Theory and Practice: The Case of the Exon Domesday Book, in Approaches to Digital Codicology: Interdisciplinarity and Intersections, ed. by E. Pierazzo and A. Campagnolo (Brepols, forthcoming). 8200 words; reworking, translation and update of Stokes and Noël 2019.
In Preparation
- Digitising Early Medieval England, Cambridge Elements: England in the Early Medieval World (Cambridge: CUP)
- Describing Handwriting: Palaeography, Digital Humanities and Graphematics for a Transversal Model of Writing (Turnhout: Brepols).
Grants, Awards and Distinctions
Major Grants (total value approx. €1M or more)
- Senior Researcher, European Research Council Synergy Grant. MIDRASH: Migrations of Textual and Scribal Traditions via Large-Scale Computational Analysis of Medieval Manuscripts in Hebrew Script. 2023–2028. PIs Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra (EPHE), Judith Olszowy-Schlanger (EPHE), Nachum Dershowiz (Tel Aviv), Avi Schmidman (Bar Ilan) and Moshe Lavee (Haifa), with the National Library of Israel.
- Cluster Coordinator, Equipex+. Biblissima+ Portail du patrimoine de l'érudition. 2021–29. Coordinator for Cluster 4 'Traitement approfondi des systèmes graphiques et analyse des documents'. <>
- Work Package Leader, H2020 INFRADEV-2 (RIA). RESILIENCE: Religious Studies
Infrastructure: Tools, Experts, Connections and Centers. 2019–21. Leader of Work
Package 4 (Technical requirements, conceptual design and validation).
Grant Agreement no. 871127.
- Infrastructure accepted to the ESFRI roadmap in 2021. <>
- Accepted for follow-up grant, RESILIENCE PPP, 2022–26, Grant Agreement no. 101079792.
- Co-Investigator, AHRC Research Grant (Standard). The Conqueror's Commissioners: Unlocking the Domesday Survey of South-Western England. 2014–17. Grant Reference no. AH/L013975/1. PI Julia Crick (King's College London), CI Stephen Baxter (Oxford University).
- Co-Investigator, AHRC Research Grant (Standard). Models of Authority: Scottish Charters and the Emergence of Government 1100–1250. 2014–17. Grant Reference no. AH/L008041/1. PI Dauvit Broun (Glasgow); CIs Tessa Webber (Cambridge) and Alice Taylor (King's College London).
- Scientific Project Manager, Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN. DiXiT: Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network. 2014–17. Grant Agreement no. 317436.
- Principal Investigator, European Research Council Starting Grant. DigiPal: Digital Resource and Database of Palaeography, Manuscripts and diplomatic. 2010–14. Grant Agreement no. 263751.
Smaller Grants (total value less than 1M €)
- PSL Global Seed Fund, 2024. Fund to send four people to Japan for a series of meetings, classes and establishing further relations in Digital Humanities. PI of project developed with Daniel Stockholm (EPHE), Florian Cafiero (ENC) and Chahan Vidal-Goren (ENC).
- Consortium HumaNum ARIANE – Analyses, Recherches, Intelligence Artificielle et Nouvelles Éditions de textes. 2023–27. Co-Responsible for Working Group on ground-truth data for machine learning and member of Comité Scientifique de Pilotage, 2023/24. PIs Fatiha Idmhand (Poitiers), Ioana Galleron (Sorbonne-Nouvelle) and Sabine Loudcher (Lyon 2).
- Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Montage de Réseaux Scientifiques Européens ou Internationaux (MRSEI) Grant. 2019. Seed-funding to mount a new Horizon Europe project. Carried out project with funding obtained by Anne-Marie Turcan Verkerk (EPHE–PSL).
- Post-Doctoral Research Project Fellowship, King’s College London. 2017. Grant to hire a Post-Doctoral Research Associate for three months, incl. expenses.
- Scientist in Charge, Marie Skłodowska-Curie IIF (FP7 Grant Agreement No. 626696), awarded to Dr Toby Burrows (University of Western Australia/King's College London): Reconstructing the Phillipps Manuscript Collection using Linked Data Technologies to analyse the creation and dispersal of a major European cultural heritage collection. 2014–16. .
- Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 12382, 'Computation and Palaeography: Potentials and Limits': grant to fund workshop for up to forty invited participants. Prepared with Tal Hassner (Open University of Israel), Lior Wolf (Tel Aviv University) and Malte Rehbein (Universität Würzburg), 2011. <>
- European COST funding in support of 'Medieval Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age' (MMSDA), as part of COST Action IS1005. Prepared with Charles Burnett (Warburg Institute), Hanna Vorholt (Warburg) and Elena Pierazzo (King's College London), 2011.
- AHRC Award, Collaborative Research Training, Specialist category: 'Medieval Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age: Analysis, Description and Editing'. Prepared with Prof. Michelle Brown, Prof. Warwick Gould, and Dr Wim van Mierlo (Institute of English Studies), Dr Hanna Vorholt (Warburg Institute), and Dr Arianna Ciula (King's College London), 2008. <>
- Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship, 'Digital Methods in Palaeography'. Principal Investigator, 2007–9.
Other Awards and Distinctions
- Shortlisted (Stage 2) twice for European Research Council Consolidator Grants (H2020), 2016 and 2018.
- Medieval Academy of America Digital Humanities prize, 2016. Awarded for the DigiPal [Archetype] framework.
- Exon Domesday project awarded the Devon and Cornwall Record Society prize: The Holdsworth Claret (awarded to Prof. Julia Crick, project Principal Investigator), 2018. <>.
- International Society of Anglo-Saxonists (ISAS, now ISSEME) Prize for Best Research Aid, 2013–5. Awarded for English Vernacular Minuscule from Æthelred to Cnut, circa 990 – circa 1035.
- Formally recognised for 'outstanding contribution' to the Arts & Humanities Research Council Peer Review College, 2014 and 2018.
- Papers 'Computer-Aided Palaeography' and 'Modeling Medieval Handwriting: A New Approach to Digital Palaeography' invited for consideration for volume of 'outstanding papers' from the Digital Humanities conference, 2009 and 2012 respectively.
- Paper 'Computer-Aided Palaeography' selected as one of four best contributions to the Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age conference (Munich), 2009.
See also Offices and Consultancies.
Conference Activity, Invited Lectures and Talks
Unless otherwise specified, papers with English titles were delivered in English, those with French titles in French, and Italian titles in Italian.
See also 'Other Training, Summer Schools and International Seminars', under Teaching Experience.
Organisation of Conferences and Conference Sessions
- Conference: XXIIIe Colloque de paléographie latine : La main du scribe, Vienna, 17–19 September 2024. Member of central organising committee (Bureau), co-responsible for scientific programme and selection of papers.
- Conference/Workshop: Pour une modélisation de l’écriture, Journée d'étude Biblissima+ Cluster 4 — Groupe de recherches transversales en paléographie (GRTP). Paris, 14–15 December 2023. Principal organiser of one-day joint conference with Biblissima+ and the GRTP, followed by a day of discussion for Biblissima+.
- Conference Section Co-Chair, Digital Humanities Section, International Association of University Professors of English (IAUPE), Rome, 17–20 July 2023. Co-responsible for organising Section sessions within the larger conference.
- Workshop: 'Written Cultural Heritage: Advanced Methods, Workflows and Software Development Approaches in Digital Humanities Research', King's College London, 4–5 June 2019. Joint King's College London – Université Paris Sciences et Lettres workshop with 18 participants, funded by the French Embassy in the U.K. and King’s College London Research & Innovation Joint Call 2018-2019. Co-organiser with Arianna Ciula (King's College London). <>
- Conference: Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 12382: Computation and Palaeography: Potentials and Limits. Schloss Dagstuhl, Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. 18–21 September 2012. Co-organiser, with Tal Hassner (Open University of Israel), Lior Wolf (Tel Aviv University) and Malte Rehbein (Universität Würzburg). <>
- Annual symposium: DigiPal Symposium on Digital Methods in Manuscript Studies. King’s College London, 2011–16. Co-organised and ran six symbosia in total with Stewart Brookes (KCL).
- Five sessions: Digital Methods and Resources for Palaeography and Manuscript Studies, Digital Methods I: Reading between the Lines of Medieval Manuscripts, Digital Methods II: Citation and Representation of Manuscripts, Digital Methods I: Computer-Assisted Approaches to Palaeography, and Digital Methods II: Computer-Assisted Approaches to Manuscript Studies. International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo MI. 2012, 2014, 2016 Co-organiser with Stewart Brookes (KCL)
- Session: Digital Anglo-Saxons: Charters, People, and Script session. International Medieval Congress, Leeds. 13 July 2011. Sole organiser
Conference Programme Committees
- Association of Digital Humanities Organisations (ADHO) Annual Conference, Graz and Washington DC. 2023 and 2024. The annual international conference of Digital Humanities, routinely involving around 1000 participants.
- ICDAR 2024 Workshop on Computational Paleography (IWCP), Athens. 2024
- biblissim-ia-2024 : Intelligence artificielle et la reconnaissance de formes et d'écritures manuscrites, Journées d'études, Biblissima+ Cluster 3, Campus Condorcet, Paris. 2024.
- 1st Workshop on Visual Processing of Digital Manuscripts: Workflows, Pipelines, Best Practices, (ViDiScript@ICIAP), Udine. 2023.
- Journée d'études des jeunes cherchers et chercheuses en hommage à Louis Holtz, École Nationale des Chartes, Paris. 2023.
- XXIIe et XXIIIe Colloques de paléographie latine, Prague and Vienna. 2022 and 2025.
- Documents anciens et reconnaissance automatique des écritures manuscrites, Paris. 2022.
- International Workshop on Computational Paleography (IWCP@ICDAR). 2021 and 2024.
- International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing (HIP@ICDAR). 2017, 2021, 2023.
- Dark Archives: A Conference on the Medieval Unread, Oxford. 2019.
- Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) annual conference, Victoria. 2017.
- International Society of Anglo-Saxonists (ISAS, now ISSEME) Biennial Conference. 2015, 2017.
- On the Same Page: Digital Approaches to Hebrew Manuscripts, London. 2015.
- Natural Sciences and Technology in Manuscript Analysis, Hamburg. 2013.
Invited Keynote Lectures
- Title tba, Árni Magnússon memorial lecture, Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, Reykjavik, 13 November 2024.
- 'Machine Learning for Digital Editions? The Case of eScriptorium', Digital Humanities Summer School, University of Antwerp, 27 June 2022.
- 'Multiple Disciplines, Multiple Dimensions: Towards a More Holistic Study of Written Objects', ICDAR International Workshop on Computational Palaeography (IWCP2021), Lausanne, 7 September 2021.
- 'When is a Scribe not a Scribe? Some Reflections on Writer Identification', Digital Paleography and Hebrew/Aramaic Scribal Culture, University of Groningen, 6–8 April 2021. <>
- 'Late Anglo-Saxon Script from the North: Some Problems and Digital Approaches', Medieval Northern English Workshop, University of Seville, 6–7 November 2017.
- 'Pixels in Parchment and Parchment in Pixels: Closing the Interpretative Loop of Digital Palaeography', Parchment, Paper and Pixels: Medieval Writing and Modern Technology, Maastricht, 2–3 February 2017. <>
- 'Computation and Palaeography: Where Are We Now?', Second International Conference on Natural Sciences and Technology in Manuscript Analysis, Hamburg, 29 February – 2 March 2016. <>
- 'Digitising the Book: Where Are We Now, and Where Are We Going?', Segundo Congreso International: El Patrimonio Cultural y nuevas tecnologías Second International Congress of Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, Mexico City, 12–16 October 2015. <>
- 'Computers and Palaeography: The Art and the Science?', Lieftinck Lecture in Medieval Manuscripts, The Science of Medieval Script Symposium, Leiden, 22 November 2013. <>
- 'The Materiality of Manuscripts', Medieval Documents, Digital Approaches Seminar, Ghent, 7 September 2013.
- 'How Many Hands, How Many Scribes? Computers and "Objective Palaeography"', Manchester Centre for Anglo-Saxon Studies Postgraduate Conference, Manchester, 3 March 2009.
Other Invited Contributions and Conference Papers
All contributions were single-authored and delivered by me alone unless noted otherwise.
- 'Some Models for Digital Palaeographies', CROSSREADS Palaeography Workshop, Oxford, 19 June.
- Round Table, 'Échanger et réutiliser les images : IIIF et Biblissima+', Journées Biblissima+, Campus Condorcet, Paris, 27 May.
- 'Majuscules in Britain and Ireland from the Sixth to the Eleventh Century', From East to West: Christian Literacy in the 1st Millennium, University of Hamburg, 18–20 March.Invited contribution
- Round Table, 'Capacités de progression des outils utilisés, signification et implication des taux de reconnaissance obtenus', L’HTR des langues peu dotées dans les programmes de recherche et des établissements de conservation français. Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, 14 February. <>
- 'Défis et possibilités pour la reconnaissance automatique de l'écriture', De l'ATR à la TEI, Grenoble, 17 January.
- 'Vers un modèle numérique pour une paléographie transversale', Pour une modélisation de l'écriture, Journée d'étude Biblissima+ Cluster 4 — Groupe de recherches transversales en paléographie (GRTP). Collège de France, Paris, 14 December. doi:10.5281/zenodo.10683892
- 'Archetype for Inscriptions', Digital Palaeography between Manuscripts and Epigraphy, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 15 November. Invited contribution
- 'How to Transcribe a Million Manuscripts with eScriptorium', Monthly online lecture, Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1 December. One-hour invited lecture.
- 'Acquiring the Text: From digital Image to Machine-Readable Text in a Multilingual Context', University of Mannheim, 12 October. 90-minute invited seminar.
- 'The eScriptorium Virtual Research Environment for Manuscript Cultures', 1st Workshop on Visual Processing of Digital Manuscripts: Workflows, Pipelines, Best Practices (VidiScript@ICIAP), Udine, 11 September.
- 'Automatic Transcription of Manuscripts with Machine Learning: Where we Are, and Where we Need to Go', International Association of University Professors of English Conference (IAUPE), Rome, 12 July.
- 'Challenges and Potentials in Multi-Script Text-Image Annotation', AOCP Expert Workshop: Digital Publication of Right-to-Left Script Corpora, University of Maryland, 29-30 June. Invited expert contribution.
- 'eScriptorium : un outil ouvert pour la transcription automatique des écritures du monde', Traitement numérique des données de l’Asie : HTR, OCR, bases de données, Conférence DocAsie, Collège de France, Paris. 23 June. Invited paper.
- 'Automatic transcription and alignment with open tools and models', ASAnumerica/Digital Classicist Seminar, University of Lausanne, 20 June.
- 'Modelling Manuscripts in Theory and Practice', Novel Approaches to Digital Codicology, Université de Tours, 10-12 May.
- With Judith Olszowy-Schlanger (EPHE): 'Vers des outils et un modèle pour les systèmes graphiques', Journées Biblissima+ 2023, Transmettre les textes anciens : défis et solutions numériques, Paris, Campus Condorcet, 4 April.
- 'Savoirs et formations', biblissim-ia-2023 : Intelligence artificielle et la reconnaissance de formes et d'écritures manuscrites, Paris, Campus Condorcet, 20 March. Invited contribution to round-table discussion.
- 'Digitisation of Printed and Handwritten Books: Technical Aspects and Religious Studies Research Needs', Religious studies in the digital age: aligning research methodologies and national strategies, Villa Vigoni, Italy, 27 February to 4 March. Invited contribution.
- 'Comments', Languages and Texts, Knowledge and Know-How Situated: Humanities and Social Sciences and the World, Paris, Campus Condorcet, 10 November. Invited 15-minute response to three conference papers.
- 'eScriptorium', Vietnamica Workshop: Méthodes et outils pour l'analyse d'images d’images de stèles vietnamiennes et de documents anciens, Paris, EPHE, 19 October. 20-minute invited contribution and participation in workshop discussion.
- Contribution à 'Nouvelles réflexions critiques sur les éditions critiques en contexte numérique', Université de Montréal, 26-27 September. 30-minute invited contribution.
- 'Looking Forward and Looking Back on Some Projects in Digital Diplomatics', Digital Diplomatics Conference, Graz, 30 September. Invited conference contribution.
- 'Some Limits and Possibilities in the Automatic Transcription of Charters', Digital Editorial Approaches to Medieval Charters, University of Lisbon [on line], 6 September. Invited conference contribution
- 'Clusters 3 and 4 for Music', Journées de réflexion, Biblissima+ Cluster 6 « Les défis du patrimoine musicale », University of Tours, 11–13 July. Invited participant/contributor.
- 'Describing Handwriting in Context', and (with D. Stökl Ben Ezra) 'Hands-on Introduction to eScriptorium, an Open-Source Platform for HTR', Digital Humanities 2022, Tokyo [online], 25–29 July. Peer-reviewed long paper and half-day tutorial respectively.
- 'Sustaining Archetype: Some reflections on the future of a twenty-year past', International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 7 July. Invited panel contribution.
- With B. Kiessling (EPHE): 'New Developments in Kraken and eScriptorium'. Documents anciens et reconnaissance automatique des écritures manuscrites, École des Chartes, Paris, 23 June. Invited contribution <>
- 'Approches numériques et computationnelles pour l’étude des manuscrits : Archetype et eScriptorium', L’Humanisme de Boccace à l’épreuve des Humanités Numériques, University of Tours, 23 May. Invited contribution
- 'Présentation à la plateforme eScriptorium' and, with D. Stökl Ben Ezra, 'Atelier eScriptorium'. Transkribus / eScriptorium : Transcrire, annoter et éditer numériquement des documents d'archives. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 9-10 May. Delivering 45-minute talk and leading 3-hour hands-on workshop respectively.
- 'L’analyse approfondie des systèmes graphiques anciens', Innovations numériques et sources anciennes : Comment préparer l’avenir ?, Journée Biblissima+, Campus Condorcet, Paris [online]. 28 April. Presentation prepared with Judith Olszowy-Schlanger
- 'eScriptorium et kraken vers une HTR ouverte', Journée EVEILLE, online, 11 February. Invited presentation <>
- 'L'Intelligence artificielle : le transcripteur par excellence des écrits anciens ?', L'Observatoire Euro-Africain de l'Intelligence Artificielle, Paris [online], 26 January. Invited lecture
- 'Open HTR with eScriptorium and Kraken', Handwritten Text Recognition for Manuscripts and Documents - Comparing Experiences, Le Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale on Air, Naples [online], 20 January. Invited conference contribution
- 'Describing Handwriting in a Digital World' lecture and 'The Archetype Framework for Describing Handwriting' workshop, Artificial Palaeography Workshop, Digital Lab, University of Bergen, 17 November [online]. Invited lecture and 4-hour workshop.
- With B. Kiessling, 'eScriptorium : une plateforme d’applications web pour la transcription automatique de documents manuscrits ou imprimés', Journée d’étude de l'Initiative Digit_Hum : Sciences de l’Antiquité et humanités numériques, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 8 octobre. <>
- 'eScriptorium for Transcribing Rare and Historical Scripts and Languages', EuropeanaTech x AI Webinar [online], 2 July.
- 'The eScriptorium Platform for Automatic Transcription', Workshop in Digital Humanities, Institute for Medieval Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences [online], 9 June. Invited 90-minute lecture/presentation
- 'Imagining Paper in Digital and Computational Futures', Thinking Paper Workshop, University of Cambridge [online], 8–9 February. Invited presentation.
- 'eScriptorium for Handwritten Text Recognition in Humanities Research', 60 Minutes of DH Seminar, Leibniz Institute of European History, Mainz [online]. 26 January. Invited presentation as part of webinar.
- 'From Images to Information: Some Digital and Computational Approaches to Manuscript Studies', Representing Texts: from Material to Digital, A Digital Framework for the Medieval Gaelic World Network [online], 20–22 January. Invited presentation.
This list excludes contributions that were accepted but then cancelled due to the COVID-19 health crisis.
- 'La modélisation des écritures « rares » avec Archetype', Édition numérique de corpus textuels complexes en égyptologie, Paris [online], 18 November. Invited presentation.
- 'Digital and Computational Palaeography: Some Promises and Problems'. 2020 Schoenberg Symposium, Pennsylvania [online], 17 November. Invited presentation. doi:10.5281/zenodo.4317407 <>
- With B. Kiessling, R. Tissot, and D. Stökl Ben Ezra, 'The eScriptorium VRE for Manuscript Cultures', Virtual Research Environments and Ancient Manuscripts, Lausanne [online], 10–11 September.
- 'Kraken and eScriptorium', IIIF and Manuscript Use Cases, IIIF Week, On-line webinar, 3 June. Invited presentation.. <>
- '(Still) Describing Handwriting: Archetype and Beyond', Neo-Palaeography: Analysing Ancient Greek and Coptic Handwritings in the Digital Age, Basel, 27–29 January. Invited conference paper.
- Atelier « Modèles informatiques et linguistiques pour le livre ancien », Tours, 22 January. Invited presentation and workshop participant.
- 'Describing Handwriting: Potential and Challenges of a Digital Approach', Book and cursive handwritings from the Middle to the Modern Ages: methodologies, terminologies, questions between tradition and innovation, Beni Culturali, Ravenna, 11–12 October. Invited conference paper.
- With B. Kiessling, R. Tissot, and D. Stökl Ben Ezra, 'eScriptorium: An Open Source Platform for Historical Document Analysis'. ICDAR-OST: ICDAR Workshop on Open Services and Tools for Document Analysis, Sydney, 21 September. Presented by Robin Tissot.
- 'Annotations « profondes » pour l’analyse de l’écriture', Rencontre Humanités numériques, L’Académie « Hommes, Idées et Milieux », IDEX Université Côte d’Azur, 4–6 Sept. Invited conference paper and workshop participant. <>
- 'Multilingualism and Multigraphism: Some Theoretical and Practical Considerations', Textual Representations of Multilingualism, University of Bristol, 15 July. Invited workshop participant and paper.
- With D. Marques de Matos and N. Jakeman, 'Analysing Visual Communication in Theory and Practice with Archetype'; with D. Stökl Ben Ezra, B. Kiessling and R. Tissot, 'eScripta: A New Digital Platform for the Study of Historical Texts and Writing', Digital Humanities 2019, Utrecht, 8–12 July. Peer-reviewed one-day pre-conference workshop and poster presentation, respectively.
- 'Modelling Materiality: Towards a Conceptual Reference Model for Palaeography' and 'Approaches to Teaching Latin Palaeography: A Round Table Discussion '. International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 2–4 July. Conference paper and invited Round Table participant, respectively.
- 'Workshop with Archetype', Scholarly Editing and the Digital Facsimile, Università Ca'Foscari, Venice, 11 April. Invited workshop leader.
- 'Analysing Scribal "Accents" in Late Anglo-Saxon Script', Scripts in Contact: Interactions and Practices – Écritures en contact: Interactions et Pratiques. Congrès International de l'IRIS Scripta, Paris, 28 Feb. – 1 March. Invited conference paper.
- 'Future Directions for Winton Domesday', Society of Antiquaries, London, 27 Feb. Invited workshop participant.
- With Stewart Brookes (Oxford) and Debora Matos (Münich): 'First Steps with Archetype for Digital Palaeography', Israeli Workshop on Technological Tools for Manuscript Research, Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv, 10–14 February. Invited workshop.
- 'New Trends and Tools in Digital Medieval Studies', and 'Digital Study of Medieval Sources with Archetype', Workshop on Digital Medieval Studies, University of Tallinn, 6 February. Two invited lectures of one hour each.
- 'Paléographie numérique avec Archetype', Journée de présentation Scripta-PSL, pôle numérique, Paris, Université PSL, 23 November.
- 'Modelling Texts and Manuscripts: Some Digital Approaches to Material Texts’ and ‘Digital Palaeography in Practice using the Archetype Framework', Digital Scholarship Seminar, University of Galway, 27 November. Invited one-hour lecture and two-hour workshop.
- 'Digital Approaches to Multigraphism', Colloque Université de Pékin – Université PSL – University College London, Paris, 2–3 October. Invited conference paper.
- CyberResearch on the Ancient Near East and Neighboring Regions: Case Studies on Archaeological Data, Objects, Texts, and Digital Archiving (Brill, 2018), ASOR/EPHE European Symposium, Paris, La Sorbonne, 6 September. Invited panellist discussing the newly published book.
- 'Modelling Multigraphism: The Digital Representation of Multiple Scripts and Alphabets', Digital Humanities 2018, Mexico City, 27–29 July. Peer-reviewed long paper.
- 'Approches numériques et computationnelles pour l'étude du livre ancien : défis pour la paléographie et la codicologie', Séminaire du Département Education et Humanités Numériques, École Normale Supérieur de Lyon, 15 July. Invited lecture.
- 'Representing Manuscript Sources: Some Digital and Computational Approaches', Edizioni e testi "born digital": problemi di metodo e prospettive di lavoro, V Incontro di Filologia Digitale, Verona, 15–16 June. Invited conference paper.
- 'On Digital and Computational Humanities for Manuscript Studies. Where Have We Been, Where Are We Going?' OpenX for Interdisciplinary Manuscript Workshop, Hamburg, 13–14 June. Invited conference paper.
- 'Relations entre minuscule caroline et minuscule vernaculaire en Angleterre du XIe siècle', Séminaire du Groupe de Recherche en Paléographie Transversale, Collège de France, Paris, 6 April. Invited conference paper.
- 'Cambridge, Corpus Christi College MS 367', 'What Weight is In Them': Parker, the Web and Early Manuscripts, Stanford (CA), 25–28 March. Invited conference paper.
- Digital Palaeography Round Table, Renaissance Society of America annual conference, New Orleans, 22 March. Invited participant.
- 'La paléographie et la diplomatique numériques pour l'exploitation de corpus de chartes : l’exemple de « Models of Authority »', Des corpus pour l'histoire à l'âge du numérique. Éditions électroniques d'actes royaux et princiers (Moyen Âge-première modernité), École nationale des chartes, Paris, 16 March. Invited conference paper.
- 'Exon Domesday : Étude numérique d'un manuscrit anglo-normand', Les sources des mondes normands à l’heure du numérique, Journée d'étude, CRAHAM, Caen, 16 February. Invited conference paper presented in English, prepared with Geoffroy Noel.
- With Elena Pierazzo: 'La numérisation des livres anciens : quels modèles pour une codicologie numérique ?', Avant le livre : Conception, production, édition, Journée du Séminaire 'Work in Progress', Grenoble, 9 February. Invited seminar presentation.
- 'Paléographie numérique en principe : enjeux, défis et opportunités', 'Paléographie numérique en pratique : travail avec Archetype', Maison de Science de l'Homme, Seminaire TransversH, University of Grenoble, 23 November 2017. One-hour lecture and three-hour workshop.
- ‘Digital Humanities and Jewish Studies’ Workshop, The Rothschild Foundation, Hamburg, 4–6 September. Invited participant.
- 'Multigraphism in Anglo-Saxon England', International Society of Anglo-Saxonists Biennial Conference, Manoa (Hawai‘i), 31 July – 4 Aug. Peer-reviewed conference proposal.
- 'The Problem of Multigraphism: A Digital Approach to Transversal Palaeography', International Medieval Congress (IMC), Leeds, 3–6 July. Conference paper.
- 'What Next for Models of Authority? A Digital Perspective', Models of Authority Project Conference, University of Glasgow, 5 April. Conference paper.
- Digital Palaeography: From Technical to Epistemological Challenges seminar, Fondation des Treilles, Provence (France), 21–26 Nov. Invited workshop participant.
- 'How to Benefit from Each Other in Historical Document Analysis', Workshop at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, 15 September. Invited paper and participant.
- 'MultiPal: Towards a Digital Palaeographical Analysis of Multigraphism', Sixth DigiPal Symposium, London, 5 September. Conference paper.
- '"This is Not a Book": New Lives of Old Books in the Digital Age', International Association of University Professors of English (IAUPE) Triennial Conference, London, 24–29 July. Conference paper.
- 'The Models of Authority Project: Extending the DigiPal Framework for Script and Decoration', Digital Humanities 2016, Krakow, 12–16 July. Peer-reviewed poster presentation.
- 'What is Digital Palaeography, Really?', International Medieval Congress (IMC), Leeds, 4–7 July. Conference paper.
- 'Vers DigiProust', Journée D’Étude : Proust Numérique, Proust Imprimé : L'Édition des Manuscrits Aujourd'hui, Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes (ITEM), Paris, 6 June. Invited contribution; in French.
- 'Bringing Codicology to DigiPal', International Congress on Medieval Studies (ICMS), Kalamazoo (MI), 12–15 May. Conference paper.
- 'Manuscript Studies in the "Digital Age": Possibilities and Challenges', University of Bergen, 26 April 2016. Invited 90-minute lecture as part of PhD 'Master Class'.
- 'The DigiPal Framework', Teaching the Codex Colloquium, University of Oxford, 6 February. Invited speaker.
- Interface pour les éditions numériques: technologies, chercheurs et usageurs, Grenoble, 4 December. Invited workshop participant (workshop in French).
- 'Modelling Codicological Sequence with the TEI', Text Encoding Initiative Conference, Lyon, 28–31 October. Abstract available at <>. Conference paper; with peer-reviewed proposal.
- 'Change and Variation in Eleventh-Century English Script', XIXe Colloque international de paléographie latine, Berlin, 16–19 September. Abstract available at <>.Proposal reviewed and accepted by the Board of the Comité international de paléographie latine.
- Round Table, Fifth DigiPal Symposium, London, 2 September. Round table participant; conference co-organiser with Stewart Brookes (King's College London)
- 'The Problem of Digital Dating: A Model for Uncertainty in Medieval Documents', Digital Humanities 2015, Sydney, 29 June – 3 July. Abstract available at <> Peer-reviewed long paper.
- 'The DigiPal Framework for Non-Latin Scripts: Possibilities for Tibetan', Tibetan Palaeography Workshop, University of Hamburg, 7–9 May. Invited paper
- 'The Codex Mendoza Project and Digital Humanities', London Book Fair, 16 April.
- With Matthew Driscoll (Copenhagen): 'A System of Standards for Manuscript Dating', Final Conference, COST Action IS1005 'Medioevo Europeo', SISMEL Florence, 15–16 March. Invited contribution and discussion
- 'Data (Re)Use in the Humanities: The Example of DigiPal', European Research Council Workshop on Research Data Management and Sharing, Brussels, 18–19 September. Invited contribution; one of nine ERC grantees specially invited to contribute to workshop including 'representatives from funding bodies, universities and other research performers, with publishers, scientific societies, policy makers and other interested parties'
- 'DigiPal for Research', Fourth DigiPal Symposium, London, 1 September. Conference paper; conference co-organiser with Stewart Brookes (King's College London)
- 'Describing Handwriting – Again', Digital Palaeography: New Machines and Old Texts, Dagstuhl Seminar 14302, Schloss Dagstuhl, Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 20–24 July. Invited participant
- 'The DigiPal Framework for Script and Image', Digital Humanities 2014, Lausanne, 8–12 July. Peer-reviewed conference poster
- With Winfried Rudolf (Göttingen): 'Learners' Hands in Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts', Childhood and Adolescence in Anglo-Saxon England Symposium, Göttingen, 20 June. Invited paper
- 'DigiPal and Other Projects', Digital Approaches to Premodern Medicine and Health Workshop, Wellcome Library, London, 23 May. Invited workshop participant
- 'Citing Visual Evidence in Palaeographical Argument: The DigiPal Experience', International Congress on Medieval Studies (ICMS), Kalamazoo (MI), 8–11 May. Conference paper
- 'The DigiPal Project – And Beyond', Digital Paleography: Projects, Prospects, Potentialities Workshop. Università Ca'Foscari, Venice, 10–11 April. Invited participant
- 'Digital Approaches to Manuscript Studies: Problems, Potential and DigiPal', Oxford Bibliographical Society Lecture, 3 February. Invited lecture
- 'Objectivity and Evidence in Digital Humanities: The Case of the Missing Palaeographer', HUMlab Seminar, Umeå University, 4 December. Invited lecture
- 'What is DigiPal, Really?', Third DigiPal Symposium, London, 16 September. Conference paper
- 'The DigiPal Project for Late Anglo-Saxon Script', XVIIIe Colloque international de paléographie latine, St Gall, 11–14 September. Conference paper
- With Noga Levy and Lior Wolf (Tel Aviv): 'Document Classification Based on What is There and What Should be There', Digital Humanities 2013, Lincoln, NE, 19 July. Peer-reviewed paper; presented by N. Levy
- With Stewart Brookes (KCL): 'Answers and Questions: Digital Approaches to Dating Medieval Script', International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 2 July. Conference paper
- 'On Meaning versus Mining, and Putting the Palaeographer in Charge', Automatic Pattern Recognition and Historical Handwriting Analysis, 20th International SAOT Workshop on Computational Optics, Erlangen, 14–15 June. Invited lecture
- 'Communicating Palaeography Across Disciplinary Boundaries', Interpreting Textual Artefacts: Cognitive Perspectives and Digital Support for Knowledge Colloquium, Oxford, 11–12 December. Invited paper
- 'Describing Handwriting, Describing Decoration – Then Finding it Again', Digital Approaches to Medieval Script and Image Symposium, London, 22 November 2012. Conference paper
- 'Modeling Medieval Handwriting: A New Approach to Digital Palaeography', Digital Humanities 2012, Hamburg, 19 July. Peer-reviewed long paper.<>
- With N. Levy, L. Wolf, and N. Dershowitz (Tel Aviv): 'Estimating the Distinctiveness of Graphemes and Allographs in Palaeographic Classification', Digital Humanities 2012, Hamburg, 19 July. Peer-reviewed long paper; presented by L. Wolf
- 'The Wayfaring Scholar: Charting New Routes for Academic Pursuit in the Age of Globalization', Workshop sponsored by the Medieval Academy, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 9–12 July. Invited participant
- 'Rule and Variation in English Vernacular Minuscule', Session sponsored by APICES, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 9–12 July. Reviewed paper
- 'The Ongoing Problem of English Vernacular Minuscule: A Digital Approach to Anglo-Saxon Script', International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo (MI), 10–13 May. Conference paper
- 'Digitising the Document' panel, Australasian Association for Digital Humanities Conference, Canberra Australia, 28–30 March. Panel participant
- 'Books, Runes and Writing', London Anglo-Saxon Symposium, 21 March 2012. Lecture to interested members of the public
- 'Digital Publication of Manuscripts and Script', Centre for Material Text / Cultures of the Digital Economy Institute Seminar, Cambridge, 13 March. Invited paper
- Meeting of the Management Committee and Working Group on Manuscripts and Textual Tradition, 'Medioevo Europeo - Medieval Cultures and Technological Resources' COST Action IS1005, Heidelberg, 3–5 November. Invited 'expert'
- 'Palaeography: "Traditional", "Computational", "Digital"', Seminar on Texts and Editing, Birmingham, 20 October. Invited paper
- 'Digital Resource and Database for Palaeography, Manuscript Studies and Diplomatic', and 'Resources for Anglo-Saxon Charters', Digital Diplomatics Conference, Naples, 29 September–1 October. Conference posters
- 'DigiPal in Theory', Digital Resources for Palaeography Symposium, London, 5 September. Conference paper
- 'Digital Images and What to Do with Them: A Palaeographical Perspective', Text, Image and the Digital Research Environment: Parker Library-Keio EIRI Conference on Medieval Manuscripts and Printed Books, Cambridge, 9 September. Invited paper
- 'Measuring the Immeasurable? A New Approach to the Study of Medieval Script', International Society of Anglo-Saxonists (ISAS) Biennial Conference, Madison WI, 6 August. Conference paper; see abstract at <>
- European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop on Digital Palaeography, Würzburg, 20–22 July. Invited participant
- 'Anglo-Saxon Script: Computing for Palaeography, Manuscripts, and Diplomatic', International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 13 July . Conference paper
- With E. Pierazzo (KCL): 'Manuscripts in the Digital Age: New Approaches for Textual Studies, Codicology and Palaeography', MuTEC Conférence-Démo, Institut des Sciences de l'Homme, Lyon, 25 May. Invited paper
- 'Digital Palaeography Research', Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies (CLAMS) Seminar, 28 April. Invited paper
- Round-table, Image Analysis and Systematic Palaeography Symposium, IRHT Paris, 14 April. Invited participant
- 'Monastic Script? Archbishop Wulfstan and his Circle', ManCASS Easter Conference, Manchester, 13 April. Conference paper
- 'Medieval Manuscripts and the Digital Humanities', Palaeography and Post-Palaeography: Manuscripts from the First to the Twenty-first Century, London, 3 December. Invited Paper
- 'TEI for Anglo-Saxon Integration', TEI Members' Meeting, Zadar, 11–14 November. Conference Paper
- 'Manuscripts in the Digital Age: Traps and Possibilities', Digital and Tangible: Medieval Book Culture and Modern Manuscript Studies, Bergen, 8–10 November. Invited Paper
- 'The Anglo-Saxon Cluster: Problems in Integration', Anglo-Saxon Charters Symposium, The British Academy, London, 14 September. Conference Paper
- 'Metadata and Encoding for Anglo-Saxon Charters', Moduli di Archivistica Informatica, Arezzo, 7 September. Invited Paper
- 'Proving Palaeography? Script Development and a Database of Letterforms', Medieval Seminar, University of Leicester, 4 March. Invited Paper
- 'Annotating Digital Collections', Digital Manuscripts Uses and Interoperability Workshop, The Mellon Foundation, Paris, 14–15 January. Invited respondent: see slides at <>
- 'Restoration, Palaeographical Knowledge Bases and Classification of Letter-forms', Understanding Image-Based Evidence: Second e-Science and Ancient Documents (eSAD) Workshop, Oxford, 17 November. Invited paper
- 'Removing the Guesswork? Palaeographical Databases in Theory and Practice', Medieval Manuscripts Seminar, Institute of English Studies, London, 22 October. Invited lecture
- 'Scribal Influences From Overseas? Vernacular Minuscule in the Reigns of Harold, Harthacnut, and the "Confessor"', Conference of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists (ISAS), St John's, Newfoundland, 26–31 July. Conference Paper
- 'Digital Palaeography: Teaching and Research on the Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge', International Medieval Congress (IMC), Leeds, 13 July. Invited paper
- 'Computer-Aided Palaeography: Present and Future', Digital Humanities, College Park, MD, 20–25 June. Peer-reviewed conference Paper; selected for consideration for volume of 'oustanding papers'.
- 'Computer-Aided Palaeography: Present and Future', repeated for Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age conference, Munich, 3 July. Invited paper; also invited on panel discussion. Paper selected as one of four best contributions.
- 'Is Palaeography no more than Authoritarian Guesswork? Some Questions of Method', Dept. of ASNC Guest Lecture, Cambridge, 1 June. Invited lecture
- 'A Ninth-Century Insular t? Statistical Palaeography at Work', Medieval English Research Seminar, Oxford, 12 November; repeated for the ASNC Research Seminar, Cambridge, 28 November. Invited papers
- 'Digital Palaeography', Conference of the Digital Archive Research Center (Keio, Japan) and the Centre for Computing in Humanities (KCL, London), London, 21 November. Invited paper
- 'Scribes, Hands and Glosses', Boethius Commentaries Project Annual Workshop, Oxford, 24 July. Invited paper
- 'LangScape: The Toponymic Wealth of Anglo-Saxon Charter Bounds', Seminar of the Place-Names Department of the Nordic Research Institute (Afdeling for Navneforskning, Nordisk Forskningsinstitut), University of Copenhagen, 23 April. Invited paper
- 'Recovering Palimpsests: Some Tools and Techniques', Palimpsestes : Écriture, effacement et réinscription dans l'Angleterre médiévale. Colloque du Centre d'Études médiévales anglaises (CEMA), Paris, 27–29 March. Invited paper
- 'Palaeography can be Fun! Old English Manuscripts Online', Teachers of Old English in Britain and Ireland (TOEBI) Annual Conference, Cambridge, 20 October.
- With Elena Pierazzo (KCL): 'Encoding the Language of Landscape: XML and Databases at the Service of Anglo-Saxon Lexicography', Lexicography in Italy and Europe conference, Pisa, 20 October. Delivered by Dr Pierazzo
- 'Objective Palaeography? Digitisation and the Analysis of Script', The Parker Library Now symposium, Cambridge, 6–7 September.
- 'A Previously Unnoticed Version of the Pershore Orthodoxorum Charter (S.786)', and organiser of panel 'Surveying the Past: Charters, Mapping, and the Anglo-Saxon Countryside', Conference of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists (ISAS), London, 31 July.
- 'Late Old English at Evesham: The Case of Cotton Vespasian B.xxiv', Writing England: Books 1100–1200, Leicester, 7 July. Conference-paper
- With Winfried Rudolf (Jena): 'Writing, Form and Language', The Production and Use of English Manuscripts symposium, Leicester, 6 July. Invited workshop
- 'Computing, Charter Bounds, and the Anglo-Saxon Landscape', Manchester Centre for Anglo-Saxon Studies (MANCASS) Annual Conference, Manchester, 13 April.
- 'Post-Conquest Vernacular Script and the Problem of Charter Bounds', Anglo-Saxon Charters Symposium, The British Academy, London, 14 September. Invited talk
- 'The Language of Landscape: Reading the Anglo-Saxon Countryside', Poster-presentation, Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts, Dartington, 3–6 September.
- 'Anglo-Saxon Charter Bounds and the Language of Landscape', English Place-Name Society (EPNS) Annual Lecture, London, 12 July. Invited lecture
- 'The LangScape Database: Future Prospects', PASE2/LangScape Workshop, London, 13 May.
- 'The Problem of Grade in Post-Conquest Vernacular Minuscule', International Congress on Medieval Studies (ICMS), Kalamazoo (Michigan), 6 May.
- With Joy Jenkyns (KCL): 'The Language of Landscape', Society of Name-Studies in Britain and Ireland (SNSBI) conference, Bristol, 7 April.
- 'The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in the Reign of Edward the Confessor', Manuscripts from the Time of Edward the Confessor, London, 8 October. Conference-paper
- 'The Demise of Square Minuscule', London Palaeography Workshop, London, 27 June 2005 Invited talk
- 'From Square to "Thoroughly Caroline": Continental Influences on the Development of English Vernacular Minuscule', International Medieval Congress (IMC), Leeds, 15 July.
- 'Computer-Based Approaches to Manuscript-Studies', Cambridge Inference Group Seminar, Cambridge, 16 April. Invited talk
- 'Shoots and Vines: Some Models for the Ascenders and Descenders of English Vernacular Minuscule', Cambridge Colloquium in Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic (CCASNC), Cambridge, 7 February.
- 'Old Books and Archbishops, or, What's So Special about the Parker Library?', Leckhampton Society, Cambridge, 4 December. Invited talk
- 'Deciphering Greek Palimpsests using Adobe Photoshop', Beyond the Human Eye, Athens (Greece), 10 May. Conference-paper
Offices, Project Boards and Consultancies
See also 'Conference Programme Committees' under Conference Activities, Invited Lectures and Talks.
Professional Associations
- Member (elected), Comité de coordination, Humanistica : l’association francophone des humanités numériques, 2021–24.
- Bureau Member (elected), Comité International de Paléographie Latine 2020–25.
- Member, Committee on Digital Humanities and Multimedia Studies, The Medieval Academy of America 2017–22.
- Board Member (elected), International Society of Anglo-Saxonists (ISAS, now ISSEME), 2013–17.
- Director (elected), Digital Medievalist international Community of Practice, 2012–2015; Executive Board Member (elected), 2009–15. <>
Other External or International Offices and Roles
- Member, Collegio del Dottorato in Studi Storici, "Scienze del Libro, Instituzioni e Archivi", Università degli Studi, Firenze. 2024–.
- Visiting Professor, Università di Roma 1 "La Sapienza", Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Rome, Italy. Planned for September–October 2024.
- Visiting Professor of Palaeography, Dipartimento di Eccellenza SAGAS, Università degli Studi, Florence, Italy. April–May 2019.
- Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Department of Digital Humanities and King's Digital Lab, King's College London, 2018–2020.
- Associated Member, Équipe Humanités Numériques, Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes (CNRS/ENS), Paris.
- Chercheur invité (Invited Researcher), Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes (CNRS), Paris, 2015.
- Correspondant scientifique, Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes (CNRS), Paris, 2015–.
- Advisor/Consultant, ViGOTHIC, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Incoming Fellowship, awarded to Dr Ainoa Castro, for ViGOTHIC: Towards a typology of Visigothic script: the Beatus British Library Add. 11695 and its potential for dating and localising Visigothic script manuscripts. H2020 Grant Agreement No. 656298. 2015–17.
- Scientific Project Manager for King's College London, Marie Skłodowska-Curie International Training Network, for DiXiT: Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network. FP7 Grant Agreement No. 317436. 2014–17.
- Scientist in Charge, Marie Skłodowska-Curie International Incoming Fellowship, awarded to Dr Toby Burrows (University of Western Australia/King's College London), for PHILLIPPS: Reconstructing the Phillipps Manuscript Collection using Linked Data Technologies to analyse the creation and dispersal of a major European cultural heritage collection. FP7 Grant Agreement No. 626696. 2014–16.
Project Committees and Boards
- External Advisory Board, Trinity Centre for the Book, Trinity College Dublin. 2022–
- International Digital Editing Advisory Group, Scribal autonomy in multi-scribe manuscripts: digital visualisations through the Chronicle of Melrose Abbey, AHRC Research, Development and Engagement Fellowship, PI Joanna Tucker. The University of Glasgow. 2023–24
- Comité consultatif, Observatoire Euro-Africain de l'Intelligence Artificielle. 2022–. <>
- Scientific Advisory Board, From Digital to Distant Diplomatics (DiDip), ERC Advanced Grant, PI Georg Vogeler. The University of Graz. 2022–26.
- Project Board, Representative of the EPHE, Consortium pour la Reconnaissance d'Écriture Manuscrite des Matériaux Anciens (CREMMA). 2021–. <>
- International Advisory Board, CROSSREADS: Text, materiality, and multiculturalism at the crossroads of the ancient Mediterranean, ERC Advanced Grant, PI Jonathan Prag. The University of Oxford, 2020–25. <>
- International Advisory Board, PeopleAndWriting. The Secret Life of Writing: People, Script and Ideas in the Iberian Peninsula (c. 900–1200), ERC Starting Grant, PI Ainoa Castro, The University of Salamanca, 2020–25. <>
- Technical Council, International Standard Manuscript Identifier (ISMI). 2020
- International Advisory Board, The Community of the Realm in Scotland, King's College London, 2017–20. <>
- Advisory Committee, Index of Middle English Prose (IMEP), 2016–. <>
- Advisory Committee, Digital Learning Resource on Premodern Medicine and Health, The Wellcome Library, London, 2014–17. <>
- Scientific Advisory Committee, Album interactif de paléographie médiévale / Interactive Album of Mediaeval Palaeography, EHESS Lyon, 2011–. <>
- Project Board, InScribe: VLE for Palaeography, Diplomatic and Manuscript Studies, School of Advanced Studies, University of London, 2011–2012.
- Project Board and Advisory Committee, Wellcome Arabic Manuscript Cataloguing Partnership, 2009–2011. <>
- Project Member, Medieval Medicine Documents Identification System (MMEDIS), 2009–10. <>
Editorial Roles
- Review Editor for Digital and Multimedia Publications, Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies (ISSN 0038-7134) 2017–22.
- Specialty Chief Editor, Digital Paleography and Book History, a Specialty Section of Frontiers in Digital Humanities (ISSN 2297-2668), 2014–18. <>
- Associate Editor of Digital Medievalist journal (ISSN 1715-0736), 2009–2014. <>
Other Advisory and Consultancy Roles
- Invited Participant, Summit on Machine Learning for Ancient Languages, Google Arts and Culture [Online] 2021. One of fifteen invited expert participants.
- External evaluator of proposal for new BA programme in Humanities and Digital Technologies, The University of Hong Kong. 2021.
- Invited Participant, Joint meeting of the Council of European Research Libraries (CERL) 'Portal' and 'Manuscripts Experts' Working Groups, The Hague. 2020.
- Ad hoc advice to ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1, Sub-Committee 2, Working Group 2 (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2), 'Universal Coded Character Set [Unicode]'. 2018–.
- Invited Participant, European Research Council Workshop on Research Data Management and Sharing, Brussels. 2014. One of nine invited ERC grantees.
- Consultant/Advisor, Tikkoun Sofrim: Digitization of HTR Hebrew Manuscripts by Adaptive Crowdsourcing Project, EPHE – PSL, University of Haifa, and the National Library of Israel. 2018–9.
- Consultant/Advisor on development of Digital Humanities centre, Comue Lyon Saint-Etienne, France, 2016.
- Consultant/Advisor, development of MA in Digital Humanities, University Paris Sciences Lettres. 2015–16.
- Project Advisor, Digital Codex Mendoza, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH Mexico), 2013–14. <>
- Member, Working Group on Manuscripts and Textual Tradition, 'Medioevo Europeo - Medieval Cultures and Technological Resources' COST Action IS1005, 2012–15. <>
- Project Consultant, Linguistic Geographies: The Gough Map of Great Britain, 2010–2011. <>
Review Activities and Scientific Evaluations
- Agence national de recherche (ANR) Comité d'Évaluation Scientifique CES54 ('Arts, langues, littératures, philosophies'), Appel à projets génerique (AAPG). 2023
- Expert Peer Reviewer for Italian Scientific Evaluation (REPRISE). 2021–
- Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Peer Review College, 'Academic', 'Technical'
'International' categories, 2012–2018 ('Technical' from 2013).
- Formally recognised for 'outstanding contribution' to the Peer Review College, 2014 and 2018.
- Regular reviewer for ADHO (Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations) annual conference of Digital Humanities, 2008–.
- Ad hoc pre-publication reviews for various publishers and journals, including International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) and Journal Of Data Mining and Digital Humanities (JDMDH) (further details available on request).
- Regular ad hoc peer reviewer for ERC and other EU and national funding bodies (details available on request, subject to confidentiality requirements). 2012–
Previous Appointments
October 2010 – February 2018 (full-time) Research Fellow (2010-11), Senior Lecturer (2011-16), Reader (2016-18) Department of Digital Humanities, King's College London, London, U.K.
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy 'in recognition of attainment against the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning support in higher education' (2017–).
- Departmental Research Lead (post formerly called Chair of Department Postgraduate and Research Committee: 2015–18).
- Member of the Faculty Research Committee (2015–18).
- Taught four MA modules ('Material Culture of the Book', 'Editorial Models', Dissertation, and with Paul Spence 'Methods and Techniques in Digital Humanities'), and two BA modules ('Digital Representations of Cultural Heritage', 'Digital Texts').
- Deputy Chair of PGT Assessment Sub-Board (= Departmental MA Board of Examiners: 2013–16); Acting Chair, First Semester 2014/5.
- Supervised MA and PhD students.
- Lead team of 2–6 people on the development of software and methods in palaeography
- Principal Investigator and Director of DigiPal, Co-Investigator and leader of digital team for Models of Authority and Exon Domesday projects.
- Lead the design and development of Archetype (originally DigiPal), a new web-based platform allow the exploration and citation of medieval script in the context of the manuscripts and charters that preserve it.
- Lead the development and implementation of new visual and verbal methods for the exploration and presentation of palaeographical data.
- Member, London Arts and Humanities Partnership Panel Selection Board C (Cultures and Heritage), 2016–18.
- See Teaching Experience for further details.
January 2010–September 2010 (full-time) Research Associate (Analyst) Centre for Computing in Humanities, King's College London , London, U.K.
- Analyst for the Anglo-Saxon Cluster, a JISC-funded project to integrate four pre-existing projects at CCH. <>
- Developed use-cases and encoding models, and helped to develop two prototypes to test approaches to integration.
- Principal author of project documentation including report for ASCluster (published on project website).
- Develop E-Sawyer website with technologies including TEI and CEI XML, XSLT, Solr, Cocoon and xMod 2.0. <>
- Helped to develop proposal for new AHRC bid, including principal author of Technical Appendix.
October 2009–June 2010 (part-time) Associated Lecturer in Early Medieval History School of Historical Studies, University of Leicester, U.K.
- Co-convenor of second-year undergraduate course, 'Race and Ethnicity': five lectures and six seminars on Viking history (course code HS2206)
- Designed, convened and taught first-year module, 'People and Places: Medieval Worcester' (course code HS1100)
- Designed, convened and taught second-year module, 'Early Medieval History: Books, Manuscripts and Documents' (course code HS2343)
- All teaching includes writing and delivering lectures, running seminars, and marking exams and essays
October 2007–September 2009 (full time) Leverhulme Early Career Fellow Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.
- Research topic: 'Computer-Based Analysis of Scribal Hands'
- Developed and applied quantitative and computer-based methods in palaeography
- Conducted original research into the scripts of Eleventh and Twelfth-Century England
- Wrote new software in Java to enhance images of damaged text, and to analyse and extract quantitative measures from images of scribal hands
- Developed new web interface for palaeographical database using Django and XSLT/Cocoon
October 2007–December 2007 (part time) Consultant Palaeographer Hearth Tax Project, Roehampton University, London, U.K.
- Checked volunteers' transcripts against original seventeenth-century English manuscripts (checked Hundreds of Chelmsford, Colchester, Tendring, and Uttlesford, all in Essex)
- Oversaw, coordinated, and held ultimate responsibility for the work of the second consultant who checked the remaining hundreds for Essex
- Liaised with the remainder of the Hearth Tax team
October 2005–September 2007 (full time) Post-Doctoral Research Associate Centre for Computing in Humanities, King's College, London, U.K.
- Research Associate and database-related development for the 'LangScape' project
- Checked digital texts of about 1,000 Anglo-Saxon boundary clauses against all extant original manuscripts
- Identified and entered newly discovered and missing texts and variant manuscript versions
- Helped to provide a clear statement of editorial policies
- Added text-markup in XML to provide comprehensive tagging, lemmatisation, and translation of texts
- Developed tools, databases, and prototype websites using Java, Visual Basic, XSLT/XPath, Perl, Python, and SQL
October 2004–September 2016 (part-time) Affiliated Lecturer in Palaeography and Codicology (with additional teaching in Medieval Latin) Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic, University of Cambridge, U.K.
- Wrote and delivered approx. 500 hours of lectures and classes, primarily on palaeography and codicology.
- Prepared and delivered approx. 175 hours of one-on-one or one-on-two undergraduate supervisions in palaeography (2004–2009).
- Supervised undergraduate dissertations (2008/9).
- Set and marked examination-papers at BA and MPhil level in Latin and in Palaeography (since 2005).
May 2003–August 2004 (part time) Examination Invigilator, Duty Librarian Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, U.K.
- Invigilated undergraduate examinations for the College and University in College
- Assisted with production of confidential results-book for College Tutorial Office
- Supervised undergraduate College library during summer-school programme
February 2003–March 2004 (part time) Manuscript Image Enhancer Dept. of Pre-1600 Manuscripts, The British Library, London, U.K.
- Carried out work on pan-European Rinascimento Virtuale project
- Enhanced digital images of Greek palimpsested manuscripts using Adobe Photoshop
- Prepared material for project talks and public displays
- Delivered presentation and chaired session at 'Beyond the Human Eye', Athens, May 2003
December 2000–February 2001 (full time), March–April 2001 (part time) Project Engineer Softronics Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia
- Ported Verilog implementation of IEEE-1394a Link Layer from Xilinx to QuickLogic FPGAs
- Increased speed of 1394 Verilog code by two chip grades, and reduced gate count by over 20%
- Designed two four-layer PCBs with JTAG (IEEE-1149.1) and 400Mb/s IEEE-1394a interfaces
- Debugged port of custom serial drivers from NT4 to Win2000 under severe time constraints
- Began development of Verilog PCI test bench
July 1999–September 2001 (part time) Freelance Contract Programmer Self-employed, Melbourne, Australia
- Developed software applications for clients including the Drycleaning Institute of Australia and Xanthein Marketing
- Designed and implemented MS Access database, with Visual Basic modules
- Developed VBA module to automatically generate formatted Excel spreadsheets from flat text files
- Developed application using MFC in Visual C++ for commercial distribution
- Wrote technical documentation and user manuals for all systems
December 1999–February 2000 (full time) Summer Research Scholar The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
- Worked on Active Vision project in the Research School for Information Sciences and Engineering
- Developed and implemented real-time control and vision software for 2DOF robot head
- Ported 2DOF monocular software to 4DOF binocular head
- Developed software using C, C++, and Intel MMX on Linux platform
- Delivered written report and technical seminar to Research School and other Summer Scholars
January 1999–February 1999 (full time) Student Engineer Open Software Associates, Melbourne, Australia
- Investigated technologies for Web-based three-tiered Defect Tracking Customer Care System
- Developed prototypes using Java servlets, JDBC, and RMI technologies
- Wrote reports and feasibility studies on technologies investigated
- Delivered technical seminar to company lab and management
June 1998–August 1998 (full time), September 1998–December 1998 (part time) Technical Assistant Georgetown University Information Systems, Washington, D.C.
- Developed NSAPI remote verification software in C for UNIX and NT platforms
- Developed upgrade to University-wide Job Employment database and Web interface
- Assisted with implementation of single sign-on throughout the university
- Maintained and developed Perl and Cold Fusion scripts, and MS Access Databases
- Assisted with administration of Solaris boxes and NS Enterprise Servers
December 1996–February 1997 (full time) Student Vacation Engineer Telspec Australia Pty Ltd., Melbourne, Australia
- Performed hardware modifications (incl. hand soldering surface-mount components)
- Developed device driver software for SCC port using RS232 and RS485 protocols
- Developed and modified code in ANSI C and 68000 Assembly Language
- Tested and debugged software and hardware
Current Professional Membership
- Association Française pour la reconnaissance et l’interprétation des formes (AFRIF) French chapter of the International Association for Pattern Recognition, IAPR
- Comité International de Paléographie Latine (CIPL; elected member from 2017; elected to Bureau 2020–25)
- Digital Medievalist (elected to Executive Board, 2009–15; elected Director, 2012–15)
- Humanistica, l'association francophone des humanités numériques (elected to Comité de coordination, 2021–24)
- Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes (CNRS, UPR 841; Correspondant scientifique)
- International Association of University Professors of English (IAUPE; elected member from 2014)
- The Medieval Academy of America
Additional Skills & Hobbies
Languages ('Natural' and Computer)
- Good modern French and Italian (approx. CEFR C1 in French, B2/C1 in Italian, in speaking, reading, writing and listening). Functional comprehension of spoken Venetian (dialect of Veneto region; approx. B2 in listening).
- Studied Latin, Old and Middle English to graduate/post-graduate level.
- Studied Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin/汉语) and Ancient Greek to high-school leaver/first-year university level, and Modern Icelandic and academic reading German at introductory levels.
- Extensive experience with computer languages, particularly Python, Java, XML/XSLT/XPath, assembly languages (65C02, 68HC11, some 68000 and Intel MMX), and ANSI C and C++.
- Extensive experience with UNIX (primarily Solaris), Linux (primarily Ubuntu/Debian, formerly Red Hat), MS Windows and MacOS.
- Some current or past experience with JavaScript, XQuery, Perl, SQL, ASP, Cold Fusion, JSP, sh, Visual Basic, Visual C++ and Verilog, as well as Django and Cocoon frameworks.
Other Non-Professional Skills and Certifications
- Amateur (Radio) Operator's Certificate of Proficiency (AOCP) at Australian 'Unrestricted' level (see list of international equivalents).
- Full, clean driver's licence (French); have held clean US, Australian, UK and/or French licence continually since 1992.
For professional certifications see Education and Training.
- Active member of Tennis Club de Tours (FFT, highest official classement 30/5).
- Experienced active hiker, including basic mountaineering, particularly in the French
and Italian Alps:
- Active member of Club Alpin Français (Grenoble Isère) (FFCAM), formerly also of Club d'Escalade Atoutprises (Île-de-France) (FFME).
- Certified (validé) by the FFCAM for 'la formation UF vers l'autonomie en terrain montagne et assurage en mouvement'.
- Intermediate/advanced level (autonomous) in via ferrata (D in Alpine system); lower intermediate in sport climbing (lead at approx. 5b in French system) and bouldering (approx. V2/V3 in V system).
- Intermediate cross-country skiing (approx. ESF Classe 2: red routes in 'classic'/parallel style, blue routes in 'skating' style).
- Advanced beginner in downhill skiing (passed ESF Classe 1: blue routes in most conditions).
- Basic level (under supervision) in multi-pitch climbing, rappelling (abseiling), progression as roped teams en corde tendue in glacier traversals, and with anchored ropes in rock (routes at level PD in Alpine system).
- Other recreational sports include regular running, and occasional swimming and cycling.
Hikes and selected cycling and cross-country ski traces since August 2016 are available here; selected photos are available on Flickr.