Teaching, Training and Doctoral Supervision
Unless otherwise specified, courses with English titles were taught in English, those with French titles in French, and those with Italian titles in Italian.
Current Teaching
Classroom teaching:
- Approches numériques et computationnelles à l'écrit ancien. 50-hour advanced seminar for masters, doctoral and postdoctoral students and auditors at the EPHE.
- Introduction aux humanités numériques. 20-hour course for MA, PhD and postdoctoral students and auditors at the EPHE and PSL.
- Introduction à XPath, XSLT et XQuery. 24-hour course for MA, PhD, postdoctoral students and auditors at the EPHE.
- Fouille de données; IIIF. 20 hours of teaching for MA students at the Centre d'Études Supérieures de la Renaissance, University of Tours.
Other responsibilities:
- Conseil de perfectionnement, Master Humanités Numériques, Université PSL, 2021–25.
- Supervision of student dissertations, first and second year Masters (M1 and M2), Master Humanités Numériques, PSL
- Supervision of one or more student interns per year in Digital Humanities in the eScriptorium team.
Doctoral Supervision
I am open to contacts from potential doctoral students the subjects of palaeography, manuscript studies and computational and/or digital humanities, separately or (preferably) in combination.
Current Students:
- Second Supervisor: Salomé Pichon, Modélisation numérique de données épigraphiques pour l’étude comparative des pratiques agraires au Campā et au Cambodge ancien (du IXe au Xe siècle de notre ère). First supervisor is Arlo Griffiths (EFEO), École Francaise d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO)/École Pratique des Hautes Études.
- Second Supervisor: Michele Impagnatiello, The Production and Trade of Religious Books in Bologna between 1270 and 1350.. First supervisor is Isabella Gagliardi (Università di Firenze). Student in cotutelle between EPHE and U. Modena e Regio Emilia (UniMoRe).
- Cosupervisor: Riham Mokrani, Étude numérique des écritures arabes de la période marmelouke. Cosupervised with Nuria de Castilla (EPHE). École Pratique des Hautes Études.
Completed Students:
- First Supervisor: Matilda Watson, The English Contribution to the Emergence of Manuscript Culture in Sweden and Norway. Second supervisor: Dr Lesley Abrams (History; Balliol College Oxford). Completed in 2016. King's College London. <https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.769905>
- Cosupervisor: Debora Matos, Script and Decoration in Late Fifteenth-Century Portuguese Hebrew Manuscripts: A Digital Perspective. King's College London. Cosupervisor with Dr. Andrea Schatz (Dept. Theology and Religious Studies). Completed in 2019. <https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/debora-marques-de-matos(ee70a4da-d328-4689-967a-16982f66b76a).html>
- Second Supervisor: Manuel Muñoz García, The Script of Matthew Paris and his Collaborators: A digital approach.. First supervisor is Prof. Julia Crick (Dept. of History). Part time, then full-time. Completed in 2018. King's College London. <https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?did=1&uin=uk.bl.ethos.762364>
- Second Supervisor: Colleen Curran, Reconsidering An Early 10th Century Date for the Entrance and Use of Caroline Minuscule in Anglo-Saxon England. First supervisor is Prof. Julia Crick (Dept. of History). King's College London. Completed in 2017. <https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/colleen-curran(73673430-8853-473c-9b93-44dbfd880b5c).html>
Doctoral Examination
As 'Examiner' or 'Rapporteur, conducted viva voce examination and submitted written pre-report; as 'Président du jury', chaired viva voce exam and wrote final report (in collaboration with other members of Jury).
- Membre du Jury: Luigi Bambaci, The Book of Qohelet. A Digital
Scholarly Edition of the Hebrew Text, École doctorale de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études (n°
472)/Università di Bologna Campus di Ravenna, mention Histoire, Textes, Documents
(HTD) (2023).
- Also 'membro supplente' [reserve member] for juries of Sebastiano Crestani and Isabella Maurizio, co-tutelles EPHE/Bologna mention HTD.
- Rapporteur (External Examiner): Vlad Atanasiu, Human Factors as Constraints and Solutions in Document Processing, Department of Informatics, University of Fribourg (2023).
- Rapporteur (External Examiner): Mathias Seuret, Investigating Neural Networks and their Behavior on Historical Document Image Analysis, Department of Informatics, University of Fribourg (2023).
- Président du jury: Anna Scius-Bertrand, Analyse automatique sans annotation d’inscriptions sur des stèles vietnamiennes. École doctorale de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études (n° 472), spécialité Informatique, Statistiques et Cognition (2022).
- Président du jury: Benjamin Kiessling, Avancées en Reconnaissance Optique des Caractères pour les Documents Arabes Historiques. École doctorale de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études (n° 472), spécialité Informatique, mathématique et applications (2021). <https://theses.fr/fr/2021UPSLP023>
- Internal Examiner: Sean Dunnahoe, English and German Influences in the Production of Music-Liturgical Manuscripts in Sweden up to the Thirteenth Century. Dept. of Music, Royal Holloway, University of London (2016). Full text on line.
- External Examiner: Vinodh Rajan Sampath, Quantifying Scribal Behavior: A Novel Approach to Digital Paleography. School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews (2016). Thesis available at <http://hdl.handle.net/10023/9429>.
- External Examiner: Roman Bleier, Encoding St Patrick's Epistles: History and Electronic Editing of the Manuscript Witnesses. 2 vols + CD. Digital Arts and Humanities, Trinity College Dublin (2016).
External Supervision
- Domain Advisor: Lun-Min Yuan, MSc in Data Science, King’s College London (2016/7). An analysis of data extracted from the DigiPal Database.
- Domain Advisor: Calogero Lauricella, MSc in Data Science, King’s College London (2015/6). Quantifying the Relative Quality of Ancient Sicilian Coins following Homogeneous Partitioning.
- External Advisor: Alberto Campagnolo, PhD, University of the Arts London (degree awarded 2015). Transforming XML Records to Visual Representations. Development and Application for a Digital Visualization of Historical Bookbinding Structures.
- Dissertation Correlatore: Giancarlo Buomprisco, Corso di Laurea in Informatica Umanistica, Università di Pisa (2013). Digital Lightbox: A Web-Based Visualization Framework Applied to Paleographical Research. <http://www.digipal.eu/lightbox/> (functioning website) and <https://github.com/Gbuomprisco/Digital-Lightbox> (source code).
- Dissertation Advisor: Brian Maher, MSc in Bioinformatics, King's College London
(2012). Automated Image Segmentation Methods for Digitally-Assisted Palaeography of
Medieval Manuscripts.
- Won prize for 'Best Masters Project/Dissertation' in the Department of Informatics.
Other Training, Summer Schools and International Seminars
Unless otherwise specified, courses with English titles were delivered in English, those with French titles in French, and those with Italian titles in Italian.
- Summer School in Digital Palaeography, University of Göttingen, 5 September 2024. 3-hour session as 'external guest lecturer'.
- 'Medieval Manuscripts: From Material to Digital', Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme. Online and Prague, May-September 2024. 12 hours online teaching, plus one week of teaching on site in Prague. Co-organised with Lucie Doležalová (PI, Charles University, Prague), and Dominique Stutzmann (Humboldt University, Berlin), with participation also of the École Nationale des Chartes, Paris.
- 'Défis et possibilités pour la reconnaissance automatique de l’écriture' (60-minute lecture), and with A. Pinche (ENS Lyon) and Matthias Gille-Levenson (ENS Lyon), 'Atelier reconnaissance d'écritures manuscrites - eScriptorium' (3-hour hands-on workshop). Du calame au clavier : colloque de philologie numérique University of Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, 17–19 January 2024.
- With E. Pierazzo (U. Tours): Scuola Estiva di humanistica digitale, Università degli Studi di Sassari, 4–9 June 2023. Two-day invited contribution to week-long programme.
- 'Modelling Book Structures with VisColl', Hebrew Manuscripts in the Digital Age: Palaeography, Editing, Cataloguing, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, 17 April 2023. Invited class in the context of a larger programme.
- 'Atelier d'initiation à l'usage d'eScriptorium', biblissim-ia-2023 | Intelligence artificielle et la reconnaissance de formes et d'écritures manuscrites, Paris, Campus Condorcet, 22–23 March 2022. 6 1/2 hours of training, with Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra, Benjamin Kiessling, Svetlana Yatsyk, Colin Brisson, Simon Gabay, and Pawel Jablonski.
- 'Intelligence artificielle pour les SHS : Initiation à la transcription automatique des documents', PSL Week, Université PSL, 21–25 Nov. 2022. Five-day intensive course, developed and lead by me with Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra, Benjamin Kiessling and Colin Brisson (all EPHE).
- With E. Pierazzo (U. Tours): 'Machine Learning for the Analysis and Transcription of Manuscripts', Digital Humanities and Digital Communication: New Approaches to Core Questions, Digital Humanities Summer School, University of Modena, 6–10 June 2022. 3-hour invited workshop.
- 'Describing Handwriting in a Digital World' (lecture) and 'The Archetype Framework for Describing Handwriting' (workshop), Digital Lab, University of Bergen, 17 November 2021. Invited one-day lecture and workshop.
- 'Formation eScriptorium', Casa de Velázquez, Madrid, 23–24 September 2021. Invited two-day workshop.
- 'Paleografia digitale', Università degli Studi, Udine, 16 December 2019. Invited lecture for doctoral and post-doctoral participants. Also assisted Alberto Campagnolo in practical session on 'Codicologia digitale'.
- With Anna Scius-Bertrand (EPHE): 'Exploitation de données textuelles encodées en XML-TEI avec Python', Atelier CAHIER, Poitiers, 17–21 June 2019. Invited course designer and leader.
- 'Paleographia digitale', Università degli Studi, Florence, 1 April – 10 March 2019. Various lectures and classes totalling 36 hours of teaching as part of visiting professorship.
- Co-Organiser, ManuSciences '19, Franco-German Spring School on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Manuscript Studies, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Culture, University of Hamburg, and the École Pratique des Hautes Études, 11–15 March 2019.
- 'Traitement des Images', 'Paléographie et codicologie numérique' and 'Traitement automatique d'image avec Python', École d'Été Éditions Numériques (EDEEN), Grenoble, 28 May – 1 June 2018.
- 'Codicology and TEI', ManuSciences: Franco-German Summer School on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Manuscript Studies, Freie Universität Berlin and École Pratique des Hautes Études, 10–15 September 2017.
- 'Traitement des Images' 3 hrs and 'Modelizzatione e TEI' 90 mins of supporting the course teacher, École d'Été Éditions Numériques italo-française (EDEEN), Grenoble, 26–27 June 2017.
- With E. Pierazzo, 'Digital Editing with TEI: Critical, Documentary and Genetic Editing', Digital Humanities Summer Institute, Victoria, Canada, 12–16 June 2017. 26-hour course.
- 'Journée d'Études DigiPal', École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE), Paris, 16 September 2016. Day-long training for using the DigiPal Framework.
- PhD Masterclass in Manuscript Studies, University of Bergen, 26 April 2016. 90-minute public mock viva of PhD student, followed by 90-minute lecture.
- 'Plagiarism in Code', 'Inclusive and Discriminatory Scholarship and Behaviour', and 'Conflicts of Interest', DiXiT Ethics Workshop, Grenoble, 14–15 April 2016. Three presentations/lead discussions as part of a two-day workshop for PhD students.
- With E. Pierazzo (Grenoble): 'Introduction aux humanités numériques', École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, Feb. – Apr. 2016. <http://ephilolog.hypotheses.org/268> 26-hour course for students at Masters and Doctoral level.
- 'L'infrastructure DigiPal pour décrire l'écriture', invited lecture/seminar for Seminars La lettre romaine and Paléographie hébreu at École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, 9 and 14 December 2015. One-hour seminar for MA and PhD students.
- 'Paleografía digital', Segundo Congreso Internacional: El Patrimonio Cultural y Nuevas Tecnologías Second International Congress of Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, Mexico City, 12–16 October 2015. Delivered 20-hour workshop in English.
- With E. Pierazzo (Grenoble): 'An Introduction to Digital Manuscript Studies', Digital Humanities 2015 Pre-Conference Workshop, University of Western Sydney, 29–30 June 2015. Peer-reviewed workshop
- 'Palaeography and the Digital Humanities', Autumn School in Palaeography, H. Pirenne Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Ghent, 20–22 October 2014. Invited seminar leader
- Figuring the Digital Humanities Out Workshop, HUMLab, Umeå University, 5–6 December 2013. Invited seminar leader and workshop participant
- '"This is Not a Book": Using Digital Texts in a Material Context' (lecture and workshop), 'Digital Dreams and Chasing Them' (panel discussion), The Media of Literature in the Electronic Age, Geneva, 15–16 November 2013. Invited one-hour lecture, one-hour workshop and panel discussant at doctoral school programme
- 'Digital Resources: Data and Databases', ISAS Graduate Workshop, Dublin, 28–29 July 2013. Invited workshop leader
- 'Digital Imaging for Medievalists: A Workshop', International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, 10–13 May 2012. Workshop co-leader
- 'Digitising the Book' pre-conference workshop and 'Digitising the Document' panel, Australasian Association for Digital Humanities Conference, Canberra Australia, 28–30 March 2012. Invited workshop organiser and leader
- 'Document Analysis and Modeling', TEI@Oxford Summer School, 12 July 2010. Invited workshop designer and leader
Previous Teaching Positions
October 2010–February 2018 Research Fellow, then Senior Lecturer, then Reader Department of Digital Humanities (formerly Centre for Computing in Humanities), King's College London, U.K.
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy 'in recognition of attainment against the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning support in higher education' (from 2017)
- Re-designed, lead and taught on MA modules 'Methods and Techniques in Digital Humanities (core module, with Paul Spence), Semester 2 of 'Introduction to Digital Humanities' (core module on programming in Python), 'Editorial Models' (XML/XSLT), and 'Material Culture of the Book' (on digitising and representing books in digital form).
- Designed, coordinated and taught BA module 'Digitising Cultural Heritage' (from 2016/17), coordinated and taught 'Digital Texts' (2017/8).
- Designed, coordinated and co-taught MA module 'Digital Resources for Historical Studies' (2011–12).
- First supervisor of MA dissertations in Digital Humanities.
- Chargé de conférences for 'Introduction aux humanités numériques': 20 hours of teaching at the École pratique des hautes études (EPHE), Paris (2015/16 and 2017/18)
Other Teaching-Related Roles and Responsibilities
- Member, London Arts and Humanities Partnership Subject Area Group for Digital Humanities, and Panel Selection Board C (Cultures and Heritage), 2016–18.
- Member of the Faculty Postgraduate Research Students Committee (2015).
- Deputy Chair of PGT Assessment Sub-Board (= Departmental Postgraduate Taught Board of Examiners, 2012–16; Acting Chair for Semester 1, 2014/15).
- Acting Programme Coordinator for the MA in Digital Humanities (Semester 2, 2014/15).
- Acting Admissions Tutor for the MA in Digital Humanities (Semester 1, 2014/15).
- MA Dissertation Coordinator (2014/15).
- Chair of Staff Student Liaison Committee (SSLC); carried out substantial review and revision of SSLC Terms of Reference (2012/13).
- Acting Senior Tutor (Semester 1, 2012/13).
- Served on task force to design new BA programme (2012/13).
June 2008–2016 Principal Coordinator/Director, Marie Skłodowska-Curie/COST/AHRC Research Training: 'Medieval Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age' Under the direction of the Institute of English Studies, in collaboration with King's College London, the Warburg Institute, and the Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic, University of Cambridge
- Awarded grants from AHRC (2008–11), COST (2012) and Marie Skłodowska-Curie (2013) to design and run annual week-long training programme for postgraduate students (grants prepared with Prof. Warwick Gould, Prof. Michelle Brown, Prof. Charles Burnett, Dr Hanna Vorholt, Dr Arianna Ciula, Dr Wim van Mierlo, Jon Millington, Elena Pierazzo and Franz Fischer).
- Received approx. three hundred applications total for the four years to date, along with many enquiries.
- Coordinated specialist instructors from seven institutions in Cambridge and London.
- Designed and implemented course including lectures, visits to libraries, and practical computing sessions (with Dr Hanna Vorholt, Dr Arianna Ciula and Dr Elena Pierazzo).
- Wrote and delivered classes on 'Manuscript-Production', 'Provenance and Bindings', 'Palaeography', 'Digital Imaging', 'Digital Resources, Tools and Projects'.
- Assisted with computer lab exercises on XML markup, TEI for transcription and cataloguing, and digital image-enhancement.
October 2004–September 2016 Affiliated Lecturer in Palaeography and Codicology (with additional teaching in Medieval Latin) Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic, University of Cambridge, U.K.
- Wrote and delivered over 500 hours of lectures and classes on palaeography (since 2004) and medieval Latin (in 2007/8).
- Taught courses including the history of script in Britain and Ireland to A.D. 1200, the history of libraries and the survival of manuscripts in Britain and Ireland c. 1500–c. 1750, medieval codicology, and beginner's Latin.
- Prepared and delivered approx. 175 hours of one-on-one or one-on-two undergraduate supervisions in palaeography (2004–2009).
- Supervised undergraduate dissertations (2008/9).
- Set and marked examination-papers at BA and MPhil level in Latin and in Palaeography (since 2005).
July 2010–December 2010 Module Coordinator, Course Tutor, London Rare Book School and MA in the History of the Book Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Studies, University of London, U.K.
- Designed, coordinated and taught a week-long intensive course 'Digital Publishing and Book Studies' for the London Rare Book School (LRBS).
- Redesigned, coordinated and taught the same material as an MA module for the History of the Book.
- First marker for both the LRBS and MA courses.
October 2009–June 2010 Associated Lecturer in Early Medieval History School of Historical Studies, University of Leicester, U.K.
- Designed, convened and taught first-year module, 'People and Places: Medieval Worcester'.
- Designed, convened and taught second-year module, 'Early Medieval History: Books, Manuscripts and Documents'.
- Co-convenor of second-year undergraduate module, 'Race and Ethnicity': five lectures and six seminars on Viking history.
- All teaching includes writing and delivering lectures, running seminars, and setting and marking exams and essays.